Chapter 10

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I desperately want to get to the new stuff! That's why I'm updating this one so much!! Hope you guys are enjoying it!!


The next morning I woke up and I was extremely tired. I felt like my eyes wouldn't open at all. I slid my glasses on and everything became clear. I ran a hand through my hair and yawned. I stretched and looked over at my clock. My eyes became wide at the time.

It was 1:30! I had to pick Mingus up in an hour and a half and it was a good 15 minute walk from my apartment. I quickly jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom quickly jumping into the shower. I don't think I had ever moved this fast in my life.

After about a five minute shower I jumped out and got dressed. I checked the weather and it wasn't bad outside. Thankfully spring was coming around soon. I quickly blow dried my hair. I looked at the clock to see it was 2:15. I knew I didn't have time to do my hair.

I applied a thin layer of makeup before throwing my hair in a messy bun. I slid in my contacts. After looking in the mirror one more time I decided I looked fine. I sighed and grabbed my bag, sunglasses, and phone. I looked at my phone to see the time. I needed to leave now.

I quickly dashed out the door and down the elevator. I was instantly greeted by the cool New York winter air. It felt nice. I slid my sunglasses on and started towards Mingus's school. My phone vibrated and I looked down to see I had five texts. Two from Stacey, a group message from Stacey and Morgan, and one from Norman.

I opened the group message first.

I cocked an eyebrow at what I had received. There were a bunch of links to random things. I didn't even bother clicking on them. They had a habit of sending me links that would have freaky shit on them and I'd end up jumping from it scaring me.

"What did you send me?" I typed back.

I clicked over to the messages from Stacey. "Hi babe!!" was the first one. The second one was a very sexy picture of Norman. Damn he looked good. I sighed and texted Stacey back quickly.

"You have no right to send me shit like that! :P" I finally clicked over to the message from Norman instantly smiling before I even opened it. "Hey babe, thanks again for picking Mingus up. He has a key so you guys can go back and hang out there. Don't make any plans. I'm making dinner. xx."

I could feel my smile become wider. "It's seriously no problem! I love hanging with Mingus! Wait, you're making dinner....?" I was now at Mingus's school. I had about five minutes before he was let out. I leaned against the wall waiting for him when my phone vibrated again.

Both Stacey and Norman had texted me back. "Not a right a privilege ;)" Stacey texted back. I rolled my eyes and clicked over to Norman. "Yes? Ask Mingus. I can cook!" I chuckled a little at him defending himself. "Fine, I will!" right when I hit send children started pouring out of the doors.

I pushed myself off the wall and watched for Mingus. I finally spotted his blonde head walking out of the doors and hopping down the stairs. He walked over to me with a bright smile on his face. "Mandy! " he said when he was close enough. I smiled at him.

"Mingus! What's up buddy?" I said while ruffling his hair. Mingus stuck his tongue out at me as we made our way back to the apartments. I slung an arm around Mingus as we walked across the street. "Do you have your house key?" I asked him.

Mingus shook a pair of keys out in front of him causing me to chuckle. "Your dad's making dinner tonight," I told him. Mingus looked up at me. "Dad's making dinner?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, is that a problem?" Mingus shook his head. "No, dad's an amazing cook."

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