Chapter 55

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Over 92,000 reads over 2,000 votes, over 1,000 comments!! So close to 1,500!!! And 30 comments on the last chapter!!!!!!!! I've gained over 5,000 reads since the last chapter! And LOTE is #1!! WOOOO!!! Thank you guys soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!

Follow my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94

I just received an email from wattpad that said "Congratulations Chupacabra94! You are one of Wattpad's most active people!" I am one of the most followed users on wattpad! THANK YOU! It's all because of you guys reading voting commenting and following!!!!!!!!! It truly means a lot! For getting this "award" wattpad is promoting my stories and my profile!

Thank you for 727 followers!! Here was something interesting I've found out! I had 100 followers on August 28th!! That means I've gained 627 followers in under 3 months!! You know what would be an awesome Christmas to me from you guys? 1. Buy my book! And 2. Get me to 1,000 followers! That would be awesome!!

Speaking of my book!! I'm almost done with it!! I have some editing to do and a couple more chapters to write and then I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!! I hope you will get a copy! It would mean a lot!!

Chapter 55 of LOTE is dedicated to.........@Waffles_00 I hope you enjoy this chapter along with everyone else!!! Don't forget if you comment your name gets in the bowl for dedications and sneak peeks!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxx

A little bit of a time jump! Brynlee is now two months old!! There will be a lot of time jumps now because I want to watch Brynlee grow up but I don't want to write every single day and every single month she grows! Bear with me!! So now it's the end of July almost August time!

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


Brynlee was growing too fast for my liking. I wanted her to stay little forever even though I enjoyed the fact that she slept through the night now. I think Mingus and Norman did too. Norman was still steadily filming and had about three months left of it.

He had been out of town a couple times to do conventions which left Mingus and I at our Georgia home alone with Brynlee. I didn't mind. I loved having Mingus around and he was a huge help though he would be leaving tomorrow because he had to be back in time for school.

I didn't know what I was going to do without my little helper. At least I still had my parents around when Norman was busy. But Mingus adored Brynlee and I could tell she loved him too even though she didn't quite understand it yet. But it was so cute.

The doctor told me I was in the clear and I started working out right after that. The baby weight seemed to melt off of me though I didn't have that much to lose I still felt better about myself now that it was mostly gone. Being in the clear also meant Norman and I could be intimate again.

Sadly we hadn't been though. He was always filming and I was busy with Brynlee and Mingus. I found myself falling asleep lately before he even got home and when he did he would shower, go let Mingus know he was home, kiss Brynlee, and then crawl into bed beside me.

Plus it was hard to be intimate when his son was just a wall away from us. I didn't want to scar the poor kid for life. Even though he was at the age to know what it was and it was obvious we had done it or Brynlee wouldn't be here. But I still didn't want him hearing or knowing.

I knew we both wanted to but with a baby and him still filming late hours we hardly saw each other anymore. He had the next couple days off which was nice because Mingus was leaving and I know he wanted to spend time with his dad before he left.

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