Chapter 21

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Over 6,000 reads on the story!!! That makes me feel so awesome as a writer!!!!!! Thank you for the 8 comments on the last chapter! Keep those coming cause I know you can do it!!!

So...... does anyone want to do something? Does someone or multiple someones :P want to make a cover for my story? It would need to include a picture or Norman (not Daryl, Norman), the title of my story, and my username! The winner will get a sneak peek of my next chapter that I post after July 1st!! Just upload it to a site and then send me the link through a message!! You have until July 1st to submit your entries!!!!

In this chapter there is a three month jump and at the beginning Mandy's texts will be in italics and Norman's will be in bold italics :)

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


"I can't wait to see you!"

"I know! Can't wait ;)"

"How's Mingus?"

"You don't know how bad I miss you..."

"I can't remember the last time I felt like this."

"I miss you :("

"You're never going to believe this.."

"I can't do anything about it! I'm not there!"

"I'm sorry.."

A lot can happen in three months. Relationships grow apart, your friends that you thought you had turn on you, and most of all you miss the people most dear to you. Helena and I had gotten in a huge fight over Mingus one day and it didn't turn out too pretty.

It resulted in her calling Norman and then Norman calling me. I couldn't tell who he was madder at me or Helena. I personally believe that it wasn't my fault. Helena was upset because Mingus wanted to hang out with me instead of going to some red carpet event.

She got mad because I told her I didn't care if he stayed with me. Apparently she really wanted him to go and by me telling her I didn't care if he stayed basically gave him more of the nudge to tell his mom no. I didn't mean anything by it. If he didn't want to go he didn't want to go, right?

Helena ended up calling Norman telling him that I was trying to take her son away. Norman called me and started telling me that he was sorry but that 'sorry' turned into an argument started by me. I told him it wasn't my fault that Mingus didn't want to go to the event but apparently it was a regular thing for him to go with his parents.

When I tried to explain to him that Mingus didn't want to go he told me that Mingus usually didn't but they made him go anyway. I found myself no longer arguing after that. How was I supposed to know? No one ever told me anything like that.

On top of that the paparazzi had started figuring out things about me. Everywhere I seemed to go I found at least one of them trying to sneak a shot of me. A lot of girls seemed to be recognizing me on the street. They were all respectful and asked me a ton of questions about Norman. I only had a couple that were a little rude but I didn't let it bother me.

Jordan seemed to be keeping his distance from me for whatever reason and Morgan didn't even talk to me anymore. Who knew what her problem was. The only true friends I had left were Stacey and Lyndi and I missed them terribly. I missed Norman terribly...

I was currently on a plane headed to Atlanta, Georgia where I would be staying with my parents and grandparents for almost two weeks. This was something I did every year. Norman and I hadn't spoken to each other since the Helena incident. That was almost two weeks ago.

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