Chapter 47

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So holy shit!! OVER 400 FOLLOWERS!!!! 430 to be exact!!! Guys I am completely honored and humbled that you guys love my stories that much. Starting out with FTLOD (now completed) I remember being excited to get one or two comments and I only had about 10 followers. Now FTLOD has over 130,000 reads, over 2,000 votes, and over 1,000 comments!!!

LOTE has over 57,000 reads, over 1,000 votes, and over 1,000 comments and 50 comments on the last chapter!!! I want comments like that more often!!

MDS has over 14,000 reads over 800 votes and over 500 comments and 42 comments on the last chapter!!! I want comments like that more often!!

I hope everyone that was reading my stories has followed me because as of today my stories are only going to be available to my followers. It kind of stinks because anyone who hasn't followed me won't be able to see the newest updated chapters but I'm doing this for the good of me and the good of you guys. It protects me from some people stealing my stories (Which has happened in the past) I'm sorry if this seems mean or harsh to anybody. I have also blocked friends of this person because I feel like all they're doing is spying seeing as they didn't even have accounts until today. Again I'm sorry, but I work so hard on my stories whether "Daryl" and "Norman" are my original characters or not (they aren't but I wish they were) it's a fanfic I get that but people write them all the time. But I work so hard on mine and I feel grateful for the all support I have gotten through mine that to have someone rip it out from under me and claim it as "theirs" isn't fair to me or you guys and it really pisses me off. Anyway, I am refusing to talk to anyone about so don't bother asking me about it because I won't give you any "dirty details" or the name of the person so you can hunt them down. I am starting a clean slate when it comes to "Drama" right now. If you cause any of it I won't even respond to you and I will automatically block you. My other readers don't need to see it and I don't want to deal with it. I just want to bring happiness to my readers through my writing and I want to do what I enjoy! So I hope we can all get along because I don't want to have to block anybody else.

Follow my fan twitter Chupacabra_94

Remember my bowl?! I'm picking another name out and todays LOTE chapter is dedicated to..............@c00ki3_m0nst3r17 NEW FOLLOWERS YOU SHOULD GET IN ON THIS!! ITS ALWAYS FUN! I hope you enjoy this chapter and everyone remember that if you comment your name gets added to the bowl again!!!!!!!


I'm sorry this author's note is so long but I felt like I needed to get that out and I hope all of you will stick with me because I still have a lot of things planned :)

I hope this chapter makes up for it!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


Norman, Mingus, and I had ended up spending the rest of the day picking out items for the baby's room before heading home. We had picked out a pale yellow for the walls which Norman and Mingus had set to start painting once we had gotten home.

They refused to let me join them in painting the full room because they were afraid that the fumes from the paint would hurt the baby. I was okay with it though because I could actually cook dinner tonight instead of Norman. I had missed cooking and tonight I was craving steak.

About an hour into making dinner I heard light footsteps coming through the apartment and knew it was Norman. "What's this?" he asked as his arms wrapped around my waist and around my protruding stomach. I leaned back into his a little and sighed.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now