Chapter 66

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Hello people of earth and possible other places! I know I know go yell and scream all you want because I haven't updated in over a month but in my defense I have very limited internet right now. My dad only has a limited number of GB a month and he doesn't allow me to use it so in order to use Wifi I have to either A) sneak it when he's gone which is rare. Or B) go to a restaurant and borrow their Wifi which is difficult with my work schedule right now. I'm doing the best I can but believe me when I say that I haven't ditched my stories and I'm not intentionally leaving you hanging!

No one wanted to compete in the cover photo contest for "Dancing With The Devil" so I made my own!

Don't forget to follow my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94

Over 224,000 reads over 4,000 votes, over 1,800 comments and 34 comments on the last chapter!! Woooooo! I hope I get stuff like that more often!!

So my dedication bowl is gone because I moved so I can't dedicate chapters to anyone anymore! BOOOOO!!! So this chapter is dedicated to everyone! Sorry for being gone so long and I hope I can come back soon permanently again! And I hope you all understand!

Only 4 chapters left of LOTE!!

Here's the next chapter, Nords! I hope you all enjoy it!!


"Babe," Norman's soft voice awoke me from my sleep. I let out a small yawn and opened one eye to see him staring down at me. He smirked down at me and I couldn't help but smile. "Morning," I said quietly. Norman widened his smile slightly.

"We need to get going or we're going to miss our flight," Norman said. I felt my smile grow just a little more. I couldn't wait to see the kids. Well I guess Mingus wasn't really a kid anymore, but in my eyes he was. Norman ran his fingers up my spine slowly.

I felt a shiver run up my shine as I sighed contently and buried my head in the pillow again. Norman chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Come on, Lazy. Get up," Norman said still chuckling. I huffed and looked up at him again glaring at him slightly.

"You're calling me lazy? Have you seen yourself on a weekend off?" I asked him rhetorically. Norman chuckled and got out of the bed throwing more of the covers on me which made me warmer. I sighed and buried my head back in the pillow as Norman headed towards the shower. There was nothing better than sleeping a little longer while someone else was getting ready.


"You ready?" Norman asked me as he handed me my backpack. I smiled and slung it over my shoulder. I was so excited to be home. Norman's fingers laced with mine as he pulled me towards the exit of the plane. Mingus was picking us up along with Brynlee.

Norman squeezed my hand as we walked into the busy airport. That's when I instantly spotted Mingus and Brynlee. I swear he had grown a foot in this week that Norman and I were gone. Brynlee was sitting high on his shoulders holding a sign that said "Mommy and Daddy."

Norman and I smiled at each other as we started heading towards them. I didn't think Brynlee had really spotted us but I knew Mingus did by the look on his face. As we got closer I watched Brynlee's eyes connect with Norman's and she let out a squeal.

I couldn't help but laugh at Mingus's face as Brynlee started kicking her legs wanting down. He quickly placed her on the ground and she started running towards Norman. He dropped his bags and crouched down as Brynlee plowed right into his arms.

I looked up at Mingus who had slowly started walking towards us. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into me. Mingus's arms engulfed me in a warm hug and I couldn't help smile. I was so happy to be home. Norman and I glanced at each other.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now