Chapter 27

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Okay a couple things!!! Over 12,000 reads!!! Y'all are so awesome!!!!

Okay CONTEST TIME!! (There's two so pay attention!!)

I am soon about to start my new story "My Damaged Savior" and I need a cover for it!! It will be another Daryl story and its PRE APOCALYPTIC! The cover has to have the story title, a picture of Daryl, and my wattpad username!! Submit your covers by sending me a link on here in a message or through my fan twitter Chupacabra_94! Winner gets a dedication (AND SOMETHING SECRET THAT I WONT REVEAL) Contest ends Monday the 22nd!!

Secondly!!! I need you guys to vote for which names you like better!!

Girl names:

Violet, Vi

Olivia, Livi

Twin names:

Madison and Mason

Lucas and Annabelle

Addison and Aiden

Pick ONE and ONLY ONE from each category! And if you have already submitted your votes you are not allowed to vote again!! Voting ends this Saturday the 20th!!!!

Follow my fan twitter if you haven't already!!! Chupacabra_94!!

Reedus kisses for everyone!! Xxxxxxxxxx

Now onto the chapter!!


Norman and I were currently lying under the covers in the bed in the hotel room. We had definitely broken in the bed. Norman's arms were wrapped around me and my head was lying on his chest. He was drawing lazy circles on my arm which was making goose bumps rise on my skin.

"You're so beautiful," Norman whispered in my hair. I shifted so I could bury my face in his bare chest. "Whatever," I mumbled before kissing his chest. Norman chuckled and ran his hand up and down my arm. "No, it's true you are," he said while pulling me into him more.

I groaned. "I smell and I need a shower," I said. Norman kissed my forehead. "Then that means I smell too," Norman said. I rolled my eyes and snuggled back into his chest. I ran my hand lazily over his chest hoping to keep him distracted from giving me anymore compliments.

"I really do need to shower," I mumbled again. Norman groaned this time. "Can't you just lay here and cuddle damn it," I couldn't help it. I started cracking up after he said that. "What is so funny?" Norman asked me. I sat up so I could fully look at him.

"I never expected you to be so cuddly," I said. Norman chuckled and pulled me back into him. "Cuddly, that's a funny word," I rolled my eyes. "I think you're tired and it's only six in the evening," Norman yawned. "I am tired. You didn't drive all day," Norman said.

I chuckled. "No, but I did other things," I said. I felt Norman tense a little bit and then let out a shaky breath. I knew I had hit a button of his and he was trying to control his hormones. I chuckled again and squeezed his waist slightly. Norman sighed.

"You're tired, I smell. Easy solution to this problem. Let's take a shower and then go to bed. The sooner we go to bed the sooner we get up which means the sooner we get home and the sooner we can see Mingus," I said. Norman's head was resting on top of mine.

I could feel his smile getting bigger with each thing I said. "What?" I asked him curious as to what he was smiling about. Norman kissed the top of my head. "You said home," he said. I felt myself smiling slightly. "Well yeah, it is home. Always will be," I said.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now