Chapter 13

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42 Reads, 6 votes, and 2 comments?! Where you at guys! Come on don't be afraid! I'm gonna start asking questions at the end of the chapters! Just to see if it will bring some of you out of the shadows!


Norman and I were walking back to our apartments now. It was quiet between us. At the small café he had drug me into I'm pretty sure he bought one of everything. He told me it was the best café on the strip and we had to try it. I grumbled at how much he spent but he shrugged me off.

It was starting to get warmer, Thank God. I was getting tired of the cold. Someone would probably think I was stupid for moving to New York if I didn't like the cold which it's probably true. Norman squeezed my hand lightly as we made our way into the apartment building.

We rode the elevator up in silence and stepped off when the doors opened. "Wanna have some fun?" I asked him once we stopped in front of my door. I watched Norman's eyebrows arch behind his sunglasses in amusement. I growled and removed them.

"I'm gonna hide these from you," I said while slipping them on my head. Norman grinned a little. "What do you have in mind?" he asked. I pointed towards my door. "I know the three musketeers are still asleep. I'll be shocked if they're not," I said. Norman's smile widened.

"So what?" Norman asked. I chuckled a little. "I would love to see them squirm with you being around and possibly not having showers. Payback for last night," I said. Norman nodded a little as I unlocked the door and quietly opened it before stepping inside.

Norman closed the door quietly behind him. Morgan and Lyndi were both sprawled out on the couch dead to the world. Norman and I snuck into the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter before walking back into the living room. I grabbed one of the pillows that had fallen on the floor.

Norman tried to hold back a laugh as I lifted the pillow over my head and brought it down on their sleeping bodies. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I screamed accenting each word with a smack of the pillows. Both girls groaned and looked up at me.

"Do you mind?" Lyndi mumbled sleepily. "Yeah, we're trying to sleep," Morgan said. They both threw the blankets over their heads. I motioned for Norman to come behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and I leaned into him.

"Come on ladies, it's a beautiful day in New York!" I said in a sing song voice while trying to pull the blankets off of them which they latched onto. They both groaned at the same time and threw the blankets off of themselves. "You know you suck right now," Morgan said.

They both froze when they noticed who was standing behind me. They both looked at each other with wide eyes before falling off the couch and running down the hall. I watched as they practically ran into Stacey before gliding past her and running into my room.

Norman and I were cracking up as Stacey looked behind her slightly confused. "What was that abo-oh hey Norman," she said while removing the towel from her head and avoiding eye contact. "Run away, Stacey. I know you want to," I watched a blush creep across her face as she turned and ran down the hall to my bedroom to join Morgan and Lyndi.

I felt Norman pull me lightly back into the kitchen. "Did you see their faces?" I asked him. He chuckled against my skin as he kissed my neck lightly. I squirmed in his arms as I felt his scruff tickle me. Norman chuckled again before releasing me and turning around to the bags on the counter.

He started pulling out different containers of food. I went to open one but Norman smacked my hand lightly. I held up my hands and stepped back with a slight smirk on my face. I forget about Norman's sunglasses on my head until they slid down over my eyes.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now