Chapter 19

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 18 comments on the last chapter!!! I want comments like that more often because I know you guys can do it!! This story is about to hit some pretty awesome things and I'm getting pretty pumped about it!! I just want to post the rest of the book and have you all read it at once!! But I won't do that! You'll just have to wait ;)

Thanks again for the amazing comments all of your predictions were great buuut not even close! Read and find out! *sniff sniff* do I smell drama? ;)


I clicked a couple other links as I walked back towards my bedroom for more privacy. More titles popped up like 'Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus' 'Norman Reedus Interview' and 'Boondock Saints Panel.' The thing that threw me off was that all of these videos were dated to a couple years back.

I sighed as I shut my bedroom door and sat back on my bed. I clicked Morgan's name and listened as it started ringing. I heard a scuffle and then Morgan's voice. "Hello darling!" I heard her cheery voice on the other end. I sighed again before answering.

"Hey Morgan," I said trying to sound a little bit happy but it wasn't really working. It was silent for a few seconds. "Mandy, what's wrong?" she asked. I ran a hand through my hair. "I needed to talk to you about something," I said. I heard movement on Morgan's end like she was sitting down.

"What about?" she asked. I chewed on the inside of my cheek nervously trying to figure out how to bring this up. "Morgan, why do you keep sending me all these links? You always have but it's always been something that pops up and scares the shit out of me. Now it's interviews and videos of Norman and other people. What's that all about?" I asked.

I heard her sigh. "Did you even watch them?" she asked. I felt myself shaking my head even though she couldn't see me. "No I haven't because I don't understand the point in them," I said. She sighed again. "Maybe you should watch them, Mandy."

I ran my hand through my hair again. "Why? What's the point? I saw the dates on them and they are all dated back two years ago or more. What's the point in watching them?" I asked. It was silent and I was waiting on Morgan to answer but she suddenly seemed nervous.

"I just...I figured you would want to know more about Norman seeing as you barely knew anything about him and now you're dating him," she said her voice slightly trailing off. I bit my tongue and I felt my blood boil. She couldn't be serious could she?

"....Seriously," it came out more as a comment than a question. I heard her sigh once more. "Seriously," she stated simply. I felt my hand clutch the blankets from my bed as my teeth clenched. "You're kidding, right?" I asked hoping this was some sort of joke.

"No, I'm not kidding. I just figured you would want to know more about him. The videos are of him talking about his life and stories from people he's worked with," she said. I groaned. "If I wanted to know more about him I would ask him! I can't believe you sent those to me for that reason," I said trying to keep myself from yelling but I could hear the hatred spitting from my voice.

"I just figured you would want to know what's going on in his life!" Morgan retorted back and I could hear her tone getting a little harsher. I felt myself laugh sarcastically. "If I wanted to know more about him I would've started obsessing over him years ago with you, Stacey and Lyndi," I snapped back.

Morgan huffed a little. "I just figured you would want to know more about your boyfriend like the rest of us," I felt myself rolling my eye. "Like the rest of you? Did you forget you guys are fans? Put yourself in his shoes for a second. How would you feel if you started dating a guy and he automatically knew everything about you without evening having to ask. How would you feel?" I asked her sort of rhetorically.

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