Chapter 43

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IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!

I am entering FTLOD in the Watty Awards 2013!!! Information hasn't been released yet but when it is I will let every single one of you know and then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for FTLOD until your heart is content!! It would be awesome to win in my category!!!!!!

Over 46,000 reads, over 1,000 votes, and over 900 comments (955 to be exact!!) I've gained over 3,000 reads since the last chapter and there was 14 comments on the last chapter!!!! Where'd y'all go!!!! I had 37 on the one before that! I love every single one of you! You guys are so fucking awesome!!!

I have 348 followers on here!!! Whoever is my 350th follower will get a dedication and a sneak peek of a chapter!! So you better go follow me now if you don't already! Besides you can add my stories to your reading list and know when I update!!!

I have picked a winner for my cover contest for "Sweet Silver Lining!" Congratulations to @BatMann!! She won a dedication and she gets a sneak peek of the first chapter of SSL!!!! There's a photo of the cover on my fan twitter! Go Check it out!! Congratulations and thank you for the amazing cover!!

Follow my fan twitter! @Chupacabra_94 Whoever is my 100th follower on there will get a dedication!! 2 more to go!! You can follow me and see when I'm writing and updating!

I seriously wish I could share this amazing news with you guys! I don't know how much longer I can hold it in but guys I promise I will let you know soon and I hope all of you guys will be just as excited as I am right now!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!!!


"You guys better not figure out without me," Mingus said as we all rode to school together. Today was the day for our appointment. We were dropping Mingus off at school and then we were heading to see the doctor for our first check up since we found out I was pregnant.

I ruffled Mingus's hair. "Don't worry, bud. We wouldn't dare do that," I said while pulling him into a side hug before releasing him and letting Norman hug him. Mingus ran off towards the front entrance of his school before Norman and I got back in the car to head to the appointment.

It was quiet between us as we rode to the doctor's office. Norman's arm was around my waist with his hand resting lightly on my stomach. The divider was up between us and the driver so we could have some privacy. Norman leaned his head on top of mine.

He kissed my forehead lightly and I could feel the smile that he had. "I love you," he whispered into my hair. I smiled slightly before raising up to kiss him lightly. The car pulled to a slow stop and I pulled back giving Norman a small smile which he returned.

We walked in hand in hand into the doctor's office. We signed in and sat down in the corner. We were the only ones in there. Norman was shaking his leg nervously. I placed my hand on his knee lightly and he looked over at me behind his sunglasses.

I slid them off his face to reveal his blue eyes. "You can get these back later," I said while tucking them into my pocket. Norman smirked at me before kissing my forehead. "Amanda," a nurse called my name. I let out a breath before standing up slowly.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now