Chapter 9

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"You see that glassed in guitar over there?" I asked Norman pointing at it. I was standing on top of my bed and I didn't feel like getting down. Besides I didn't mind seeing his muscles flex when he picked up a box. Norman tilted his head at it before retreiving it. He was being a huge help.

I continued drilling the brackets into the wall to hang it above my bed. I turned around to see Norman looking at the guitar with a confused look. "You keep a guitar in a glass case? Isn't that a little bit of a waste?" he asked. I chuckled at his confused look.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and jumped off my bed. I peeked over his shoulder at the guitar. "Not when you see who it's signed by," I flipped the box around so he could see the front of the guitar. I watched as his eyes became wide. I chuckled again.

"You got a guitar signed by The Black Angels," he stated more than asked. I hopped back up on my bed. "Come on, Muscles. I'll need your help getting this up here," Norman got up on my bed with ease. I helped him but the glass box into the brackets. Once I heard the familiar click I stepped back.

In the process my foot had managed to get caught in my comforter and I fell backwards luckily still landing on my bed. Norman looked down at me with an amused look. He crouched down a little before falling on top of me. He caught himself with his hands.

"You enjoy this position way too much," I mumbled. His blue eyes connected with my green ones and he smirked a little. "Mmhmm," he mumbled against our lips before connecting them. I sighed as I felt his lips move against mine and I pushed his arms a little causing him to fall on me.

He chuckled a little before pulling back. He looked above our heads. "Doesn't that ever scare you? Aren't you afraid that it might fall on your head? That would hurt like a motherfucker if it did," he said while staring at the guitar intently. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You really know how to kill a mood," I said. He grinned at me a little. "Force of habit," he said. I rolled my eyes again. "Don't do that they might get stuck like that," I groaned. "Do you ever act your age?" I asked him. He grinned a little wider. "Never," he said. I rolled my eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but I pointed at him.

"Not another word," I said while trying to push him off of me. He was definitely stronger than me and he didn't even move. "Nice try, babe," my breath caught when he said that and he definitely noticed. "What's the matter, babe?" he asked while emphasizing the word 'babe.'

He bent down really close to my mouth and I fidgeted underneath him. "It's just me, sweetheart," he whispered. I could feel his breath against my lips. I suddenly felt really nervous around him. It was funny how he knew what buttons to push already to make me feel like this.

"Are you done?" I asked him while playfully glaring at him. He glared right back at me. His blue eyes piercing mine. I really enjoyed it when he didn't have his sunglasses on. "No," he said. I was confused. He bent down and kissed me for a few seconds before pulling back and getting off of me. I watched him walk out of my room before I heard him shout. "Now I'm done!"

He wasn't going to get away with it that easily. He just kisses me then walks away. I started towards my bedroom door when my cell phone started ringing. "You're lucky my phone is ringing!" I yelled at him while answering my phone. I didn't hear anything on the other end.

"Hello?" I asked. I pulled my phone back to see who called. "Stace?" I questioned. I heard a chuckle. "Norman's over isn't he?" I could hear the smile in her voice. I rolled my eyes at her fangirling. "Yes Stacey he's over," I said. I heard her sigh happily.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now