Chapter 46

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Over 54,000 reads, over 1,000 votes, and over 1,000 comments!!! You guys are so amazing! AND 34 comments on the last chapter!!!! Why can't I get comments like that more often!!!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE FOR FTLOD ON THE WATTY AWARDS!!! I officially entered FTLOD in the watty awards today please please vote and help me win!!!!!! It would mean so much to me!!!

So I have a little contest going right now for the new walking dead season!!! So If you live in the USA and want to play listen up!! Send me your top 5 death predictions for the season on here in a private message or my fan twitter Chupcabra_94 in a DM! At the end of the season whoever has the most death predictions right out of their 5 will win a TWD or Daryl Dixon candle!! Once you send me your top 5 you MAY NOT change them! You are locked in for the season!! Make sure to keep track of your own list! I'm only having you submit them to me so I know you don't change the list halfway through!! Submit your top 5 by October 13th (season premiere) at 8:00 pm EST! That's an hour before the season premiere on the east coast!! Anything past 8:00 pm EST WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE CONTEST!! So hurry and submit yours in!! Who doesn't like a prize!! Also if you submit to them via wattpad please send me your top 5 and your twitter name so I can put you down and then please follow my fan twitter Chupacabra_94 so you can keep track of what's going on! And if you've already submitted yours then you may not change it now! You're already locked in!! So good luck to everyone!!!

Follow my fan twitter!! Chupacabra_94!!!

Today's LOTE chapter is dedicated to...........@KathyReedus13!!! Congratulations I hope you enjoy the chapter!! If you comment on this chapter you get added to the bowl again even if your name is already in the bowl!! If you comment multiple times on a chapter your name will still only be added once but I enjoy the extra comments!! :)

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

We're gonna get into Norman's head a little bit in this chapter!!

Here's the next chapter, Nords!!!


We had officially moved and let's just it was easier said than done. Who knew that Mingus and Norman had secret compartments with some of their stuff in it. No, just kidding, but I seriously didn't understand how two boys could have so much crap.

Being five months pregnant, moving definitely wasn't easy. I wasn't allowed to life anything heavy nor did Norman or Mingus allow me to lift anything heavy.  Norman had hired movers to help with the bigger stuff and we decided we would move the boxes and everything else.

We had basically everything unpacked for the most part, well the essentials anyways. All the little knickknacks were still packed away, but it was all starting to come together. It was also bigger which would be great after the baby was born. It was starting to look like a home.


*Norman's POV*

Mingus and I were still moving boxes from the old apartment up to the new one while Mandy stayed upstairs unpacking the boxes we had already taken up there. "Here bud," I said handing Mingus some more boxes. Mingus started heading towards the door to take it upstairs.

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