Chapter 31

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Okay, so no offense to anyone who has asked but I'm kind of getting tired of sounding like a broken record. I have a bunch of people ask me on a daily basis what it was like to meet Norman and the other cast members. Though I love talking about it I'm getting the same questions over and over and over and typing it out it getting to be a little much. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to write a summary of the weekend. I'm gonna do Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 of the convention giving you guys a play by play of the things that happened there. At the end I will answer any questions you may have (They will be in the post you) so submit your questions to me by Thursday and on Friday I will post the little summary of the weekend of what happened and answering all your guys questions. Hopefully this will be easier for all of us because I know some of you are afraid to ask me about (I don't know why :P I don't bite) and I know a lot of you seem to have the same questions and hopefully I'll be able to answer all of them!!! SO ASK AWAY!! What do you guys think?

Remember there's a time jump in this chapter!! Norman came back in August!! So we're gonna jump just a tad!!


*4 months later*

Things had been going good. Norman and I had been getting closer, Mingus and I had been getting closer, even Helena and I were sort of getting along. Okay so we really weren't but we were tolerating each other for Mingus's sake and she really hadn't fought with Norman lately either.

Though Norman, Mingus and I had become closer I felt like I hadn't seen either of them in a while. Norman had been in and out of town going to conventions and Comic Cons promoting The Walking Dead while Mingus was back in school and staying with Helena.

Norman is supposed to be back in town in a couple days and then he said he's free until about February time. Christmas was in two days and I didn't even bother decorating. I didn't feel up to it. Mingus and I had put up the tree at Norman's and it had presents under it ready to go.

I was currently on the phone with Stacey just catching up, but I was about to turn into bed. I yawned. "Stacey, I hate to just leave you, but I'm hanging out with Mingus tomorrow and I know he'll be here as early as Helena will let him so I need to go to bed," I said.

Stacey chuckled a little. "Alright, it was nice catching up with you! Have a nice Christmas!" she said. I smiled a little and flopped back on the bed. "I'll talk to you soon. You have a good Christmas too. Night Stacey," I hung up after that and snuggled into my bed falling into a deep sleep.


I woke up to warmth surrounding my body. I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted to lay in it all day. New York winters were just way too cold. Maybe I could convince Mingus to stay in today and just watch movies and eat a bunch of junk.

I snuggled into the warmth more. The warmth shifted and suddenly I was on high alert. My heart started beating a little faster as I slowly opened my eyes to look up at the person in my bed. I saw sparkling blue eyes looking down at me and an instant smile spread across my face.

"Hi babe," I practically melted when I heard his raspy voice. "You're back," I sort of croaked because the sleep was still thick in my voice. I flung myself into his arms and buried my head in his chest. His arms instantly encircled me and I sighed happily.

"But you're not supposed to be here until tomorrow," I mumbled into his chest. Norman chuckled a little and ran his hand up and down my back. "Are you complaining that I'm back earlier?" he asked. I shook my head and kissed his chest before rising up.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now