Chapter 39

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Over 36,000 reads, over 1,300 votes, over 700 comments!! And 46 comments on the last chapter!!! I want comments like that more often!! You guys are freaking awesome!!!

I just wanted to take a minute and give a special thank you to everyone who still continues to support me and my stories and my writing even though 'For The Love of Dixon' is now over! I know that was some of you guys' favorite story but the fact that you continue to support me through the different stories I want to write means a lot to me and I love every single one of you for it! So these new chapters are dedicated to you guys!!


Time for another cover contest because guess what! My new story is starting soon!! The title of the story is "Sweet Silver Lining" the cover MUST HAVE the title "Sweet Silver Lining" my username "Chupacabra94" AND a picture of NORMAN (preferably around the boondock 2 days or just shorter hair Norman!) submit the cover by Saturday the 21st! Make sure to send me the link to the cover through here, or my fan twitter! Must have all requirements or the cover won't count!! Winner gets a dedication!

Who has seen the movie Tough Luck staring Norman? If you have then YAY! If you haven't then BOO! You need too!! I wanna start a Tough Luck fanfic with just the characters, not the story line. If you've seen the movie you know what the storyline is like and I think it would be very difficult to write and hard for people to comprehend. I just don't know how many people would read it, but I've had it on my mind for quite some time now and I have it figured out in my head and I really wanna do it!

Follow my fan twitter Chupacabra_94

Again thank you to every single one of you! You are all awesome in my book!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The sickness seemed to be winning this battle. I couldn't get rid of it for some reason. I even went to the doctor, who prescribed me medication and it still wasn't working. My head was clogged up and my chest felt tight. I was starting to think it wasn't the sushi.

I was able to get up and walk around. The doctor said it was simple chest and head cold but I was starting to disagree. I felt like a freight train had hit me, backed up, and then did it again. It was the worst feeling in the world and I just wanted it to be over already.

"How are you feeling?" Norman asked as he walked through the door with groceries. I was lying on the couch playing on my phone. I barely lifted my head because it hurt so bad and let it flop back on the couch making it hurt worse. I groaned.

"I'll take that as the same," I groaned again. Norman had canceled this weekend's convention, much to my and his fans dismay. He told Sean Clark he was sick, but obviously Sean knew better. Norman wanted to stay home and make sure I was okay though I told him he could go.

I held my head in my hands and pushed the heel of my hands into my eyes and rubbed. "This is awful. I haven't been this sick in....I can't even remember," I said. Norman sighed a little. "And the medicine, isn't helping?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No, not one bit. I've been taking it for about a week. I figured I would be seeing some change by now," I looked up to see that Norman was staring intently back at me. "Thought about calling them and possibly going back?" he asked. I shook my head again.

"No, I figured when the medicine was close to running out and I still wasn't feeling any better that I would call them back and figure out what was going on," Norman nodded as if he understood. I knew that he was like me. He hated being sick.

As if right on cue my phone started ringing and the doctor's office name popped up. "Hello?" I answered curious as to why they were calling. "Is this Amanda?" I heard a woman ask. I cringed at my full name. "Yes, this is she?" I said. I looked up at Norman.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now