Chapter 60

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Over 126,000 reads over 3,000 votes and over 1,600 comments!!!! 28 comments on the last chapter? It's better but I know you guys have done more than that!!

22 from 1,000!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Once I reach 1,000 I will pick 3-5 people for a sneak peek of a story/chapter

I have two more signed copies of my book to sell before I take a break selling them because of the holidays! I will not be ordering anymore until at least the 30th. So if you would like a signed copy please private message me and I will give you my fanmail address. USA readers only can get signed copies everyone else will have to get them on Amazon. Just search "In The End by Jessica Baker." Books are $15!

So from the 19th-29th I will be on vacation for Christmas! BOOOOOO! I don't wanna go and if you understood my family you would get why. But here's the good news!! I got a new laptop for Christmas early!! I'm currently breaking it in with this chapter! So that means I'll be able to take it with me and update when I have time!!! So everyone thank my mom for benefiting all of us!! WOO!!

Chapter 60 of LOTE is dedicated to.......@ProperyofDarylDixon! I hope you enjoy this chapter along with everyone else!

It's Mandy and Norman's birthdays! Brynlee is now 8 months old!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


I couldn't believe I turned 29 today. I was getting so close to 30. Man, I felt like I was getting old and Brynlee was growing up way too fast. I sighed and rolled over softly colliding with Norman. I wish we could just lay in bed all day and not do anything.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," Norman whispered with his eyes still closed as I draped my arm over his waist. I smiled and snuggled into his side while burying my head in his chest. Norman's arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me into him more.

"Happy birthday to you too, babe," I said softly. Since Norman and mine's birthday was two days apart his being the 6th and mine the 8th we decided to meet in the middle and celebrate both of our birthdays on the 7th. It was just easier on the both of us.

"You don't think Mingus could just handle Brynlee for the day and let us lay in here, do you?" I asked Norman. His chuckles vibrated my chest as he rubbed his hand up and down my arm and kissed my forehead. I sighed and closed my eyes again.

"As lovely as that sounds I don't think that will happen," Norman said. I chuckled. "Hey a girl can dream, can't she?" I asked him rhetorically. Norman chuckled again. "Well at least we can lay in here until they get up," Norman said and I nodded.

I looked at the alarm clock that was on the nightstand on Norman's side. It was almost ten in the morning and I was a little shocked that we hadn't heard Brynlee or Mingus yet but definitely Brynlee. She usually didn't sleep past nine. Maybe this was a good sign.

"Don't start wondering why she hasn't cried for one of us yet or you'll do some sort of mind thing and she'll be waking up in the next few minutes," Norman said. I felt a smile creep across my face. He was so weird sometimes and sometimes I didn't know where he got some of the things he said.

I sighed and snuggled into his side some more and let our legs tangle together. "I love you," Norman whispered into my hair causing my smile to grow. "And I love you," I whispered back as he kissed me lightly on the forehead. Suddenly a smell tingled my sense.

"What is that?" I asked sitting up a little now curious. I looked back at Norman who shrugged his shoulders and sat up too. We both got out of bed and headed for the door. "I'll go get Brynlee," I said. Norman nodded and headed for the living room.

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