Chapter 52

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Alright chapter 52 of LOTE is dedicated to............@girlygirlbritt2004! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Remember commenting gets your name in the bowl for dedications and sneak peeks!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


They had allowed me to take a shower after an hour or so which I was grateful for. I smelled and felt gross and I wanted to shower before Mingus and Stacey showed up. I sighed as I felt the warm water run over my body. It seriously felt like I hadn't taken one in forever even though I just took one a few hours ago before I came to the hospital.

I took a quick shower because I didn't know how long it would be before they got here and I didn't want to keep Stacey waiting just in case they were already here. I sighed as I slowly got dressed. I was still sore from delivering Brynlee and I needed to be careful to not injure myself even further.

The doctors were making me stay here along with Brynlee for a couple days to monitor us to make sure nothing was going to go wrong. Just because I seemed to have a close to perfect pregnancy and delivery didn't mean we were in the clear yet. Anything could happen.

I walked slowly back to my room after putting my hair up in a bun. I found Norman sitting in a recliner with Brynlee in his arms. He was so quiet and just staring at her as she slept soundly. He slowly looked up at me and smiled as I sat on the bed.

I was so happy to be in street clothes instead of those stupid hospital gowns. I truthfully didn't want to be in here any longer I just wanted to go home and enjoy our baby. They were allowing everyone a week off from filming but I knew it was more for Norman. They couldn't really film without him.

There was a soft knock on the door and then it opened revealing Dr. Scott. "I have a visitor for you," she said. She opened the door a little more and there was Stacey. I couldn't help the smile that came across my face as she walked in and instantly pulled me into a hug.

"I went to drop my stuff at your parents and they told me so I instantly came," she said softly. I wrapped my arms around her. "Sorry I couldn't hold her in just a little longer," Stacey chuckled and pulled back before turning around and facing Norman who was still sitting in the recliner holding Brynlee.

"Can I hold her?" she asked. Norman and I both nodded. "What? No hug for me?" Norman asked. Stacey chuckled and wrapped an arm around him being careful of Brynlee before sitting in a chair across from him. Norman stood up and gently placed Brynlee in her arms before sitting back in the recliner.

It was silent between all of us as Stacey admired Brynlee. Norman looked up at me and winked before looking back at Stacey who was still looking at Brynlee. "She's so precious," she said softly while taking her finger and running it gently over Brynlee's tiny fist that was peeking out of the blanket.

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