Chapter 5

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It was quiet between Norman and I as we made our way to his apartment. He lived a couple floors above my brother. "Sorry if it's messy. With Mingus being over, you never know what he leaves behind," I cracked a smiled. "I live with Jordan. A mess is not a problem," I said.

Norman chuckled a little and slid the key into his lock and opened the door. He quickly kicked off his shoes and turned on a light and I followed suit. I looked around his living room and took it all in. "Nice place you got here," I said. He smiled and a little and shrugged. "It's nothing special. Just a home," he said. I followed him into the kitchen where he opened the fridge, grabbed a couple beers and offered one to me.

I gladly took it and followed him into the living room and we both plopped down on the couch. I was definitely grateful for the beer hoping that it would loosen me up a little. "So why'd you decide to move to New York?" he asked me. I took a sip of my beer to give myself a second to think.

"Fresh start?" I questioned not actually sure myself. He chuckled. "I don't know you tell me," he said. I smiled. "Yeah, a fresh start. It was time to move. Something more adventurous and fun," I said. Norman pondered over what I said for a second. "So the city that never sleeps?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Exactly." Norman sat his beer down and popped the movie into his DVD player. "What movie is this?" I asked him. He pulled a face. "Truthfully, I have no idea. I get movies sent to me all the time and I slowly watch them on my off time," he said. I chuckled and turned my attention to the TV.


I woke up what seemed like shortly after I had fallen asleep. Wait, I fell asleep? I felt heat around me. I opened my eyes to see a blanket was thrown over top of me, but that wasn't the heat I was feeling. I looked down at my feet to see another set of feet. That's when I also noticed my back pressed into someone and arms wrapped around my upper body.

I knew who it was, Norman. I mean who else would it be? I turned slightly to see his head against the back of the couch and he was breathing deeply so I knew he was asleep. I guess we both fell asleep last night. I looked down at the arms and wrapped around me. This was different. Chase and I never slept together and when I say slept I really mean slept. Get your head out of the gutter, but we never had sex if that what's you're wondering too.

I placed my hands on Norman's arms and sighed. He stirred a little and tightened his grip around me but didn't wake up. I looked down at his watch. It was only six in the morning. I usually didn't wake up til at least nine, ten at the latest. I leaned back into him and sighed again. Eh, what's a couple extra hours of sleep?


When I woke up again, Norman was stirring behind me. I turned around to see that he was actually already awake and he was trying to grab his phone. I watched him for a second. He was trying to be quiet about it and not wake me, but he failed to do so. He still didn't notice I was awake. One of his arms was still resting on top of me and placed my hand on it lightly.

Suddenly he looked down at me. He smiled a little. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he said quietly. I smiled up at him. "It's okay. I need to get up anyway," I said. I stretched my arms trapping Norman's head between them. I locked my hands around the back of his neck and smiled again. He stopped what he was doing and wrapped both arms back around me.

"So how was the movie?" I asked him. We both seemed to be ignoring the fact that our arms were wrapped around each other. He shrugged slightly. "I don't know. I fell asleep before it was over," he said. I chuckled lightly. "We were both either really tired or the movie was boring," Norman smiled then shifted and grabbed his phone.

"It was probably both," he said. I grabbed my phone. I had five texts from Jordan and a group message from Stacey and Morgan. Jordan couldn't keep his mouth shut at all. It was already 10:30. I sighed and let the screen on my phone go dark. "What's your day like?" Norman asked me. I sighed and ran a hand over my face. "Actually I was supposed to go apartment hunting today," I said. Norman pulled a face.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now