Chapter 11

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Almost 1,000 reads! I got 5 comments on the last chapter! Let's keep that going! I think y'all will love this chapter ;)


I woke up the next morning to the phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered the sleep still heavy in my voice. "Did I wake you? Damn it," I chuckled. "It's okay, Stace. I need to get up anyway," I said. I heard her sigh. "My flight leaves tonight at six. I have a layover in Atlanta for an hour. It says as long as the flight is on time I should be there at two in the morning your time."

I groaned. "Why did I book your flight for that time?" I grumbled. She chuckled. "Because you love me and you know I don't like getting up early," I sighed. "Yeah yeah whatever. I'm just happy you'll be here for a bit," I said. I heard her squeal. "I'm so excited to see New York!"

"Oh yeah, just ignore the best friend who bought you the plane ticket and only care about where she lives," she chuckled. "I'm sorry, but I've always wanted to go to New York and now I get too!" she exclaimed. I looked over at my alarm clock and noticed it was 11.

That means it was eight her time. "You know, you have too much energy for this early in the morning," I yawned and sat up in my bed. I looked around me room and noticed a small bouquet of flowers sitting on my desk. I got out of bed and still listened to Stacey ramble on.

My house key was sitting next to the vase that the flowers were in and there was a card. I picked it up. 'You really need to watch your house key. It's easy to take. And did you know you're a very heavy sleeper? Xx P.S. see you at 6!" I chuckled, only Norman.

"What's so funny?" I heard Stacey ask. I had kind of forgotten that she was on the phone. I lightly touched one of the flowers. "Sorry Stacey, got a little distracted. I woke up to a little surprise," I said. Stacey chuckled. "What kind of surprise?" she asked me.

I walked into my bathroom and flipped on the light. "Norman stole my house key...again," I said. "Again? He's done it more than once?" she asked I could hear the amusement in her voice. I ran a hand through my hair. "A couple times actually," I said.

"That's cute," Stacey said. I pulled out a fresh towel. "I guess, I woke up to flowers and a note this morning. That's why I was distracted," I said. Stacey squealed again. "That is so cute!" she said. I chuckled. She was such a fan girl. I sighed again.

I hopped up on the bathroom counter. "So, I was thinking about calling Morgan to see if she could come here for a bit too. Kind of like a little reunion between the three of us. What do you think?" I asked her. I heard a door shut on her end before she answered.

"That would be cool!" she said. I smiled a little. "Good, I'll text her after I get off the phone with you. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't think I can handle two Norman fan girls in my house at the same time," Stacey chuckled. "We're gonna drive you insane!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm screwed," I sighed again. "Well Stace, I'm gonna shower, I'll see you soon!" I said. Stacey squealed one more time. "Bye!" she said. I hung up and quickly texted Morgan. "I know this is last minute, but Stacey is coming to visit. You should come too!"

I quickly hit send and jumped into the shower. I let the shower relax my muscles. The water had started going cool by the time I had finished my shower. I jumped out and wrapped myself in a big fluffy towel. I picked up my phone and noticed I had a text from Morgan.

"It is last minute. I have work and school but I'll see what I can do!" I quickly replied and then went to get dressed. After getting dressed I took a picture of my flowers and opened a new text to Norman. "You have GOT to stop stealing my key! :P and I know I'm a heavy sleeper! ;) But I love the flowers! They're beautiful! Thanks! :)"

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now