Chapter 4

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The rest of the night went by pretty well actually. Norman and I got to know each other a little better while Mingus and Jordan did whatever they do. It's funny; sometimes I think my brother acts more like a kid than what Mingus did. Now it was the next day and I had nothing to do.

I spent most of the night thinking about both Chase and Norman and I had barely gotten any sleep. It was weird to think about it. Chase and I were inseparable. He was the one that broke me out of my shell. He was the one that started my partying and drinking and my "bad" image.

Then there was Norman, my brother's best friend. I wasn't even sure if I had feelings for him. Though every time he was around I felt like a girl that had a high school crush all over again. He made me feel all giddy and weird in a good way. He was easy to talk to and we had a lot more in common than what Chase and I did. I couldn't just drop Chase like that, could I?

I shook my head and picked my phone up and texted the only two people I knew could help me through this, Morgan and Stacey. "Skype date?" I hit send and I automatically got a response from Stacey. "When?!" I chuckled when my phone beeped and Morgan replied: "Now!" I grabbed my laptop and went into the living room.

"Hey Jordan, I'm heading down to the bar so I can get on the computer," Jordan just waved a hand at me. Well then someone is not a morning person. I quickly left the apartment complex and heading to the bar. I flipped on a light and sat up on the barstool. Turning on my laptop a Skype request popped up. I accepted it and my screen was suddenly filled with Stacey and Morgan.

"Babe!" Stacey said. That caused both Morgan and I to chuckle. "Hey darlings!" I said. "Heeeeeey," Morgan smiled wide. I quickly reached over the bar and popped a cap on a beer and took a drink. "Woah, I didn't know that this Skype date called for alcohol," Morgan said.

I almost spewed beer out of my nose from laughing. "In my case it does," Morgan and Stacey's faces automatically fell. "What's wrong, babe?" Stacey asked a little concerned. I sighed and ran a hand over my face. "Just stuff," I said. "And things," Morgan said causing Stacey to laugh.

Apparently I missed something. They both just shook their heads and laughed at my confused face. "Just TWD stuff," Morgan said. "And things," Stacey repeated after Morgan causing both of them to laugh again. I couldn't help but laugh at how crazy they sounded right now.

"Anyway," Morgan said slightly composing herself. Stacey was still in a fit of giggles. "There's a reason for this chat," Morgan said trying to be serious, but it wasn't working. I rolled my eyes at the two girls. This was definitely normal for them to act this way.

Stacey sat up straight and tried to look all proper, which just made me roll my eyes on natural reflex. "So," Stacey said while dragging out the 'o.' "To what do we owe this joyous occasion?" Morgan asked. I chuckled. "Jeez can't a girl skype with her two besties without having a reason?" I arched an eyebrow. They were always nosy.

"Nope!" Morgan and Stacey said at the same time. "Spill girl," Stacey said. I looked down at the beer in my hand and took another long swig before looking back at them. At this point they were wrapped around my finger trying to figure out what was going on.

"I'm thinking about breaking up with Chase," I said. Both their eyes became wide. "What?! Why?!" came from both of them. I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm just not that into him," I said. Honestly I was just confused about Chase and Norman and I didn't want to mess with either of their feelings.

Stacey crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow at me. "There's no way! You moped for two weeks when you decided that you were moving! You said you didn't want to be away from him, but you guys could work through a long distance relationship," Morgan looked like she could come through my computer screen at any moment.

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