Chapter 40

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CHAPTER 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over 38,000 reads over 1,000 votes and over 800 comments!!! You guys are so freaking awesome!!!!

Follow my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94

Don't forget to submit your covers for the contest by Saturday the 21st! I have already gotten a few (Which look cool by the way!!) must have "Sweet Silver Lining" "Chupacabra94" and a picture of Norman (preferably in the Boondock Saint 2 days or any short haired Norman!!) Send me the link in a message, tweet, DM, or put it on my wattpad wall!

I have put my Sean Clark shirts back up for sale!! If you don't know who he is he's in my profile picture and he works with Norman and Sean Patrick Flanery!! I need 10 to be reserved by the 29th in order to print!! I know some of you were asking about them so here's your chance to snag them once more!!! They're $17 plus shipping! It equals out to about $20!! Go get yours while you can!!

A little rant right now, do not I repeat DO NOT ask me if I am continuing a story! Especially one that I am regularly updating! All of you will be well aware when I end a story! So do not make unnecessary comments like "Are you continuing this story?" etc. I update every 3-5 days sometimes sooner if I'm up to it and if you don't like it don't even bother commenting on my stories because it is completely dumb. I am and will always be completely honest with you guys. If there was a reason I couldn't or didn't want to continue my story I would let you know! Just keep that in mind the next time you comment! To everyone that hasn't made a comment like that sorry you had to read that! Some people just irritate me!

Reedus kisses for everyone!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords.


It had been about a week since I had been to the doctor for the second time and hearing the news that he had to share with me. I had yet to tell Norman, or anyone for that matter. I tried to push it to the back of my head because I didn't even want to worry about it right now.

Norman was making dinner because Mingus was going to be here soon. I was texting Stacey after telling her what the doctor had said. She was probably still trying to process what I had told her. 15 minutes had passed since I had given her the news.

"Stacey?" I texted again making sure she was still alive. I instantly got a text back. " the doctor sure that is definitely it?" she texted back. I sighed before replying to her. "Yeah, he said it was definite," I sent before letting my phone sit on my chest.

It vibrated telling me that I had another text message but I wasn't expecting a four page text message from her. "It's just one of those things where you have to come out and tell him. I mean think of what could happen," she texted back. I felt my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

"What do you mean? What could happen?" I asked her. She immediately replied. "If something happened to you and you never told him what was wrong I hope he would be happy that you ended up being okay, but I think he'd be upset that you weren't honest with him."

I sighed rereading over her text message multiple times. "Babe!" Norman called out. "Gotta go," I quickly texted to Stacey. "TALK TO NORMAN!" she texted back. I stood up and the room automatically started spinning. I leaned back against the arm of the couch and closed my eyes.

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Babe, you okay?" I felt Norman's hand slide onto my lower back and rub in gently. I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. "I'm fine, just stood up a little too quickly," Norman's hand stopped on my lower back.

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