Chapter 58

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Over 110,000 reads (Ive gained over 7,000 reads since the last chapter) over 2,000 votes, over 1,500 comments. And 38 comments on the last chapter!! You guys have given me faith in this story!! I'm so glad that you guys still love this story!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for 867 followers!! I'm so close to 900!! I wish and hope I can get to 1,000 before Christmas!!!!!!!!!! And THANK YOU for my 150 followers on my fan twitter!!!! Follow me Chupacabra_94

Remember you can now buy a copy of my book!!!!!!!!!!!!! USA readers only if you want a signed copy you can buy them through me for $15!!! Anyone else who just wants a copy, go to Amazon and type in "In The End by Jessica Baker" and it should be the first one to pop up!!! The cover is a chalk outline of a body with roses on it! I hope everyone will buy a copy!! I had a friend read the first chapter and said it's a twisted version of Boondock Saints. So if you liked BDS you should definitely check it out!!

Does anybody have a birthday this month? I would LOVE to do birthday shout outs!! Let me know in the comments below!!!

Chapter 58 of LOTE is dedicated to........@ItMustBeEpic! I hope you enjoy this chapter along with everyone else!!

We're going to skip to Mandy Norman and Brynlee going back to Manhattan! MINGUS HERE WE COME!! Brynlee is 6 months old!!

Here's the next chapter Nords!


We were so close to being home. I hated that we had to drive back but Norman always enjoyed it more than flying plus he always had a ton of fan gifts to bring home and let's not forget the two famous crossbows he takes home every year to hang in Mingus's room.

I knew Brynlee was getting restless as was I. I was ready to get out and stretch my legs and then squeeze the life out of Mingus.  I sighed and tried to stretch my legs out in front of me. Norman glanced in my direction quickly before looking back at the road.

"What's wrong, babe?" he asked while taking my hand in his and lacing our fingers together. I brought our connected hands up and let the back of his warm hand rest against my cheek. Norman's thumb brushed over my knuckles gently as I kissed the back of his hand.

"I'm fine. I'm just ready to get out of this car and be home," I said. Norman nodded and pulled our hands in his direction. He pressed a light kiss to the back of my hand and let his lips linger there for a few seconds before letting our hands drop on the console between us.

We were crossing over the bridge and I felt a smile come across my face. We were less than 15 minutes away. I felt Norman squeeze my hand and I looked over to see a huge smile on his face as well. I could feel the car speed up just a little but not too much.

I watched as Norman glanced in the rearview mirror and his smile widened a little more as he watched Brynlee's tiny arm reach for one of the toys that was attached to her car seat dangling above her head. Eye in the Dark was sitting at the end of her car seat curled up sleeping.

Norman slowed to a stop and I looked out the window to see we were sitting in the back of our building. "Welcome home babe," Norman said softly. I leaned over the console slightly and brought my hand up to his cheek pushing it gently so he would look at me.

His lips instantly connected with mine in a soft sweet kiss and I felt myself sigh as my hand ran lightly over his freshly trimmed goatee. This was one thing I loved about the end of the season. He looked a little more human except he didn't get to cut his hair.

Norman pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. "Let's go see Ming, babe," he said softly. I could hear the smile in his voice. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know that it was there. I pulled back and gave him a small smile. "Let's go," I said.

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