Chapter 53

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Over 78,000 reads (I gained over 6,000 reads since the last chapter!) over 2,000 votes and over 1,300 comments 10 away from 1,400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And 44 comments on the last chapter!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

I HAVE POSTED THE FIRST CHAPTER OF MY NEW NORMAN REEDUS LOVE STORY "SWEET SILVER LINING" PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT!!! I already have over 100 reads and I haven't even uploaded the first chapter!!!!!!

Follow my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94

650!! I can't believe I have this many followers!! When I first started on wattpad in February (Not even a year ago) I only had one follower starting out, she had followed me from youtube and now she doesn't even read my stories. But I remember being about 26 chapters into FTLOD and only having about 15-20 followers and I would only get one or two comments on a chapter and that made me ecstatic! Now look!! I love every single one of you and I hope and pray that you will continue to follow me throughout my new stories on here and my book that will be coming out at the end of November!!!!

Chapter 53 of LOTE is dedicated to............@randompersonH2O! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Remember if you comment you get your name in the bowl for dedications and sneak peeks!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget about my book that comes out at the end of November!!! You can get a signed copy from me (USA only) or you can get a copy from Amazon! Hope you get a copy!! It would mean a lot!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


We were now at home and I couldn't be happier. I was ready to be able to be home and just relax without having a nurse or doctor constantly walking in and making sure that we were doing okay. It started getting more and more irritating the longer I was in there.

Flanery had been a huge help even though Norman was around for the week and Mingus was staying the summer. But I didn't mind it was kind of funny watching three boys fight over Brynlee especially since two of them were grown men who acted like kids.

When I woke up that morning it was quiet, a little too quiet. I was used to waking up at least once or twice to feed Brynlee and then I was up around seven doing it again. I slid on my glasses and looked at my phone. It was 10:30 in the morning. I quickly sat up in bed.

I threw the covers back and instantly went to Brynlee's crib finding that she wasn't in there. I opened the bedroom door and walked into the hallway. It was quiet. I couldn't hear Mingus, Flanery, or Norman. I let out a sigh of relief when I walked into the living room.

Norman was lying on his couch still in a gray shirt and plaid pajama pants. Brynlee was curled up on his chest in an onesie fast asleep. Norman's hand was resting lightly on her back as his other rested behind his head as a pillow. I slowly walked up beside him and let my hand ghost lightly over his hair.

Norman opened one eye before giving me a small smile. "Morning Beautiful," he said softly trying not to wake Brynlee. I bent down and kissed him quickly before placing a light kiss on Brynlee's forehead causing her to stir a little before sighing and going back to sleep.

She was only four days old but she was so perfect. I could tell everyone that had seen her had already fallen in love with her. I sat at Norman's feet and sighed as I leaned against the back of the couch. "Where's Flanery and Mingus?" I asked now confused.

Norman sat up slowly clutching Brynlee to his chest making sure not to drop her. "Him and Mingus decided that we could use some time together with Brynlee and decided to go look around and see the sites from Walking Dead filming since neither of them have been down here," he said.

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