Chapter 28

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OVER 13,000 READS and 45 comments on the last chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention how amazing you guys are?!?!?!

Don't forget to submit your votes for the girl and twin names contest!!!

Violet, Vi

Olivia, Livi

Madison and Mason

Lucas and Annabelle

Addison and Aiden

Pick ONE and ONLY ONE from EACH category!! Voting ends SATURDAY!!! If you have voted already your vote WILL NOT count!!

Submit your covers for My Damaged Savior. Cover must have a picture of DARYL, title, and my wattpad username! I've noticed a couple of you that have sent in covers have used my fan twitter!! Be careful of that!! My wattpad username is Chupacabra94!! Contest ends Monday!!! Winner gets a dedication and SOMETHING THAT I WILL REVEAL ONLY TO THE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shhhhhhhhhh it's a secret!!!

If you haven't already go follow my fan twitter!!! Chupacabra_94!!! I need more followers and I really love and miss talking to you guys!!

So I have come up with a fan name for all my readers!! Ready for this?? 'Nords' kind of like 'nerds' but we all like 'Nor'man so 'nords!' so you all are my little Nords now!

Reedus kisses for everyone!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Norman and I had taken showers after a little time in the bedroom and we were heading back to his place after grabbing the greasiest food we could find. Mingus was bound to show up at any time by the time we had made it back to the apartment.

I squealed when I heard the front door open knowing Mingus had used his key to get in. "Mingus!" I screamed while running towards him and picking him up. Mingus chuckled as I spun him around before placing him gently back on the ground.

"Boy, have I missed you," I said while pulling him into me. Mingus wrapped his arms around me and I sighed. I was definitely happy that I was home. I saw Norman leaning against the kitchen bar watching Mingus and I with a beaming smile on his face.

I pulled back from Mingus giving his shoulders a squeeze before turning him around to face Norman. Mingus practically ran over to his dad and threw himself into his arms. I loved that even though his was a 13 year old boy that he still was affectionate.

I watched as Norman's eyes closed as he pulled Mingus into him. He was soaking in this moment. I knew they had both truly missed each other. Norman reached out a hand to me and I walked over to them. Norman and Mingus both wrapped arms around me.

I sighed and leaned into Norman while running my fingers through Mingus's hair softly. "I've missed you both," I whispered. Norman squeezed me a little while resting his chin on top of my head. He kissed my head lightly before pulling back and ruffling Mingus's hair.

"Let's eat this junk," Norman said. I chuckled while sitting in one of the barstools. Mingus went to sit by Norman and I felt myself smiling when Norman leaned over and kissed Mingus's forehead. We quickly dove into the bags and started eating the greasiest food known to mankind.


After dinner we had grabbed ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop and then we headed back to the apartment. We were currently all curled up on the couch watching a movie. Mingus was curled into Norman's left side while I was curled into his right.

We had no clue what we were watching and honestly I don't think we were paying that much attention. All three of us were talking and catching up while the movie played silently in the background. Norman's hand had snuck up the back of my shirt at some point and he was rubbing circles on my lower back. I felt myself relaxing into his touch.

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