Chapter 38

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M SO EXCITED AND HAPPY TO BE BACK! Vacation and the beach sucked (please don't ask me about it.) The best part was ending it, coming home, and getting to hang out with Sean Clark for 3-4 hours!! I truly missed him and I'm so glad I got time to hang out and catch up with him! Photos of us are posted on my fan twitter!

To anyone that wants to meet Emily Kinney (Beth) or Chad Coleman (Tyreese) don't even bother. It was $40 for an autograph and $20 for a photo with them meaning it was $60 to meet them! And I was disappointed in them! They just kept their heads down and signed your items. The convention opened at 11 and I was done meeting Emily and Chad by 11:30 that tells you how short their lines were! Anyway, I basically went to see Sean specifically anyone and I can't even tell you guys what fun I had in that amount of time I had with him.

Again thank you to everyone that bought a Sean Clark shirt!! I got to give Sean his today and he loved it. He showed it to everyone!

SO HOLY SHIT!!!! I left on vacation with a little over 29,000 reads!! I came back to over 34,000 reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over 1,000 votes, and over 700 comments!! I gained over 5,000 reads since my last update! You guys are so awesome!!!!

I hope everyone is doing fabulous! I haven't been able to talk to you guys in about two weeks!!

I hope everyone is with me after this small break!! If not I will be sad ='(

Here's the next chapter Nords!! Xx


Norman and I were now in New York. We had already been back a week but it seemed like longer. "Baby!" Norman called out through the apartment. I sighed and stood up from the couch. I shuffled my feet across the floor and headed towards the bathroom where I knew he was in the shower.

"Yes?" I said once I walked inside. I was a little surprised at what I was seeing at that point. "Bubble bath?" I asked him. Norman cracked a smile in my direction and sunk lower into the water. "It's helping my muscles relax," he said. I chuckled but nodded because I understood.

I watched as he raised an arm up to rest on the edge of the tub and I cringed when I say the purple bruise sitting on the inside of his arm. I sighed as he submerged his arm back in the water. I grabbed a wash cloth from the towel rack and sat on the edge of the tub.

I dipped the wash cloth in the water and sat it on his chest. I squeezed it out and let the warm water run down his chest. Norman sighed contently and let his head rest against the wall behind him. I did it again and then three or four more times before letting my hand rest beside me.

"Thank you," Norman whispered. I gave him a soft smile. "After I get done here I was thinking we could order dinner since Mingus will be here soon," I nodded slightly. "Well, what are we having?" I asked him. Norman now played with the wash cloth.

"Well, I was thinking since you've never had sushi before that maybe we could order some," I contemplated what he said and sighed a little. "I don't know. I've never tried it because any kind of fish or seafood I've had has always made me sick," I said.

Norman cracked a small smile. "Well, I'm not going to force you to eat it so we don't have to get it," he said. I shook my head. "No, that's okay. I've always wanted to try it," I said. Norman smiled a little wider and I stood up from the edge of the tub.

"Finish your bath. I'll text Mingus and figure out what time he is coming over," I said. Norman nodded a little and I walked out of the bathroom shutting the door behind letting Norman have privacy. I grabbed my phone and texted Mingus to see what he was doing.


I woke up the next morning feeling sick. The sushi was good but I had a bad feeling about it. I suddenly felt like I was going to vomit. I untangled myself from Norman's arms and ran towards the bathroom. I barely made it in time before emptying all the contents from my stomach into the toilet.

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