Chapter 34

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Over 22,000 reads! Over 1,000 votes! And over 600 comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are so freaking awesome!! I've gained over 3,000 reads since the last chapter!!!!

Go follow my fan twitter!! Chupacabra_94!!!!!!!

If you haven't, some of you have because you asked me about it (Which means one of my trusted readers I talked to revealed something :P but it's okay) but yes I will be starting a new story after "Living On The Edge" is over. It will be called "Sweet Silver Lining" and it will be another Norman Reedus love story. NO, that doesn't mean that LOTE is ending anytime soon. I still have somethings planned out :) you will know when it is ending :)

Thank you to everyone who bought a Sean Clark shirt! I reached my goal and they are currently being printed everyone that ordered one should get theirs by the 18th unless you live overseas!! Again thank you I can't wait to give Sean his!!!!!

Im thinking about making a 'NORD' fan club tshirt! What do you guys think? They'll be fairly cheap. $10-$12 at the most PLUS shipping! A picture of the design is on my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94

Some of you had some very interesting predictions! And for the record, MANDY ISN'T PREGNANT! A lot of people think she is, but she isn't. If she was she would be close to having the baby by now AND I would be talking about it in the chapters!

Reedus kisses for everyone!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter Nords!!


"Is that the last of it?" I asked Norman as he dropped another box in his bedroom. I had started packing the day he asked me to move in and now we were moving everything to his place. Norman told me to start unpacking while he and Mingus brought the boxes over.

Norman flopped back on the bed and groaned. "If I knew you had that much stuff I wouldn't have asked you to move in," he mumbled. I turned around from unpacking some clothes and glared at him. "Hey!" I said offended. Norman chuckled.

"I'm just messing, babe. There's only a couple boxes left," he said. I sighed and turned back around to unpack more clothes and put them in the drawers of the dresser that Norman and I would be sharing. I heard Norman get off the bed and I figured he would be going to get the other boxes.

I jumped when I felt arms slip around my waist from behind. I stopped and leaned back into Norman. He squeezed me a little. I turned my head to the side and kissed his slightly scruffy cheek. I let my head rest against his shoulder while Norman tightened his arms around me.

We both heard a grunt and looked at each other confused. We looked out to the hallway to see a pair of short legs carrying the last two boxes. Norman and I chuckled before he released me and went to grab the boxes from Mingus. I sighed again as I watched his muscles strain as he settled the last two boxes by the rest of them.

"Why don't you take a break?" I heard Norman asked. I turned around with my hands on my hips. "The faster I get this done-," "The faster you can relax and not do anything," Norman finished for me. I started chuckling thinking about moving into my apartment the first time.

"Please will you stop a little bit for me?" Norman asked while slowly walking over to me. I felt my knees going weak as I took in his body language. He looked relaxed yet seemed like he was a mission to get me to stop just for him and maybe Mingus.

His arms snaked around me slowly and I leaned into him laying my head on his chest. Sometimes I loved being about six inches shorter than him. "Come on babe, for me?" he whispered in my ear. I felt the chills go up my spine as his breath hit my ear.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now