Chapter 36

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Over 27,000 reads, over 1,000 votes, and over 600 comments!! I've gained over 4,000 reads since the last chapter!!! I would love to hit over 1,000 comments by the time this story is over!! But you guys are so freaking awesome!! Drinks on me!!!....juice boxes guys! Some of you aren't of legal age.

I am so sorry that these chapters weren't up sooner. I have been very busy gearing up for my 2 week vacation. I wanted these chapters up Friday, but I got called into work and I had to wait to write them, then I had to work Saturday. I was planning on posting them after work but then I got sick at work and it was awful! Went to post Sunday but I was got from 9 am and didn't get home til 11 pm. So here I am apologizing :P I could continue telling you guys how awful I feel or I could just end it here and let you guys read the new chapters ;)

Follow my fan twitter!! Chupacabra_94

Thank you to everyone who bought Sean Clark shirts! I got mine a couple days ago and they look awesome!!

There's going to be a couple more time jumps! I know I know bear with me! There's just some major things about to happen and it requires me to jump a little bit! So this first one is a month jump! Valentine's Day!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter Nords!


"Babe!" I heard Norman call through the apartment. I sighed as I slid my earrings in and opened the bathroom door. "I'm coming, Jesus," I said but then mentally smacked myself at how bad that sounded. I heard Norman chuckle as I walked out into the living room.

Today was Valentine's Day. Mingus was at his mom's and I had been practically pampered all morning. I had got a bouquet of roses from Norman and chocolate from Mingus this morning, but that apparently was just the beginning of all the presents.

Norman had made me breakfast in bed which consisted of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Though I told him he was practically cooking for an army he shrugged and snorted claiming that he needed to get some meat on my bones because he didn't want me blowing away when he took me out.

After breakfast I showered and Norman and I just lounged around the house. With me lying in between his legs on the couch we cuddled and watched movies almost all day. Around three Norman said he had another present for me and sent me to get ready telling me to wear something nice.

When I thought nice, I thought dress which was something I very rarely wore. I thought about Norman and I chuckled at the thought of it. Norman was a Levi's and t-shirt kind of guy. My breath caught when I saw Norman leaning against the wall in a black suit.

"Damn," I mumbled under my breath. Norman chuckled and pushed himself off the wall and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. "You look stunning," I felt myself blushing as I let my head rest against his shoulder.

"You look very handsome too," I said while playing with the collar on his jacket. I looked up at Norman and he slowly brought his lips to mine making the buildup of the kiss more intense. I sighed happily as his lips touched mine lightly. He pulled back as quickly as the kiss started.

I bit my lip and looked up at him. "As much as I would love to stand here and kiss you all night we have to go," I sighed again but nodded and grabbed my purse and jacket. It was February and it was freezing in New York. Norman's hand wrapped around mine as we walked down the hallway.

Norman was wearing his peat coat that I knew he had told me he took from the set of Boondock Saints but it looked good on him. We went to the elevator and rode it down to the lobby. I was happy that I decided to wear flats not only was I still shorter than Norman but I knew my feet wouldn't hurt.

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