Chapter 18

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WOOOO! I'm back!! Work was killer this weekend. Luckily I have this weekend off but then I'll be going out of town for the next two weekends after that! Boooooo! But the money is nice!

Over 100 followers, Almost 5,000 reads, over 200 votes, and over 100 comments!!!! Y'all are so freaking awesome!! Thanks for the 8 comments on the last chapter!! Keep those coming!!

Alright time to answer those questions from the last chapter!!

@Maddie_2297 asked: "Will there be any drama between Mandy and her friends or maybe her ex in the future?" As for Mandy's ex, Chase, no he is gone for good. I didn't feel like dealing with him anymore :P He was just a filler character for Mandy when it came to Norman. Ya know the typical girl feelings "I like him but I like him. Which one do I choose?" Type of thing. Good Question!!

@dont_tell_the_elf asked: "When you got the idea to write a fanfiction about Norman, how did you know how to get them into the relationship and well begin the whole story? A lot of my writing comes from my dreams to be honest. How cliché does that sound, right? But it's true. As for this one I have always loved New York (I plan on living there one day) and it was one of the things that I liked about Norman, that he lives there. It's funny how quiet he is, but yet he lives in the city that never sleeps and is always chaotic. Anyway, I had this dream about a girl that wanted to get away from her parents (who were religious) and live her life. Basically learn what life is all about for herself, ya know? And I figured moving to New York would be like that. I thought having the brother that is about 20 years older than her would throw in a twist too. Like she tries to leave her parents but yet it's like she's moving in with another one (her brother.) As for getting them together I have always loved this short 2 minute film did called "We Live Together New York" Search on youtube "Norman Reedus Presented by Contentmode/Syrup Films." Basically the whole video he is narrating it but he is also slinging paint on a big canvas in a room while drinking beer and smoking a cigarette. He's covered in paint by the end and I always imagined what a cute kind of scene it would be except for having him show up instead of Mandy. I didn't think it would be that early in the story (Though it was chapter 13 on youtube) but I just thought it fit. Sorry for the long winded answer but that was an excellent question! :)

The rest of you guys should have asked more questions!! I enjoy answering them!! Make sure to check out the video Xxxxxxx


I woke up the next morning to the annoying ringing of my phone. I rolled over and hit ignore before looking at the clock. It was only eight in the morning who the fuck would be calling me? I rolled over slightly to see Norman's body flush against mine.

I sighed a little and took note of his left arm that was slung around my upper body and he was lying on his right arm but it was stretched out above my head. I felt myself suck in a sharp breath when I felt Norman's breath lightly against my neck. [A:N/ I've been watching a lot of Norman's movies lately and I've noticed that he is definitely an affection guy in his movies and in real life when it comes to women. Just saying ;)]

I sighed and let myself relax back into him and he tightened his grip around me instinctively. I couldn't help but smile as I rested my hand over his. I closed my eyes and tried to relax back into sleep when my phone decided to ring again. I groaned and reached over to grab it.

I answered it without even bothering to look at the caller ID. "Hello?" I said the sleep still thick in my voice. Norman grumbled beside me. "Mandy, where are you?" I heard the person asked. It took me a minute to register who it was. "Trevor?" I questioned.

The person sighed. "Who else would it be?" he retorted back. I sighed. "What do you want?" I tried to keep my voice low so I wouldn't wake the boys up. Trevor groaned. "Do you know what today is?" it was silent between us as I tried to think what today was.

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