Chapter 16

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Sorry y'all senior year is kicking my ass! I'm updating as much as possible when I get my free time! I didn't forget y'all and I hope you understand. I was happy to get back and see over 3,000 reads since the last chapter!!!! That was awesome! But only 7 comments?! ;( come on guys I had 21 before that! I know you guys can do better! Hope you enjoy the update!


I heard a knock on the door and I instantly sat up. Norman groaned and tried to pull me back down but I pushed him back lightly. "I'll get the door," I said while getting out of bed. Eye meowed and I picked him up taking him with me. I looked down at my phone to check the time.

"Shit," I said seeing it was a little after four knowing it was probably Mingus and his mom at the door. I quickly ran into the living room and started undoing the latches on the door. I quickly flung it open and I was greeted by a smiling Mingus and a scowling Helena.

I sighed a little as Mingus walked in. "Hey bud, sorry about that," I looked up at Helena. "Nice to see you again," I said while nodding at her. She gave me a sugary sweet fake smile. "Hello," she said softly. I sighed. I tried with her but it didn't seem to work.

Mingus dropped his bag on the floor and gave his mom a hug. She squeezed him back and glared slightly at me. I just arched an eyebrow at her like 'really.' She just rolled her eyes and pulled back from Mingus. I heard footsteps coming through the hallway.

"There's my shirt. I guess you threw mine on after we got do- oh hey Helena," Norman said rubbing the back of his neck. I groaned a little and grabbed my shirt from his hands. "Can I talk to you?" Helena said while crossing her arms. She glared over at me again.

I ducked around the corner and stripped Norman's shirt and slid my own back on. I threw Norman's shirt at him. "At least put a shirt on," I said while winking at him. Norman smirked a little. I slung an arm around Mingus and directed him towards his bedroom.

"Let's go kid," I said while tugging him lightly towards the bedroom. I felt a tug back and I turned around to see Helena with a death grip on Mingus's wrist. "I'd rather that he stays here," Mingus was trying to pull his wrist away but I watched as she tightened her grip on him.

I watched as Mingus winced a little and I felt myself growling in her direction. Norman stepped in between us and Helena. "If you want to talk to me that's fine, but my son and my girlfriend don't need to be around to hear it," I knew him saying 'my son' had gotten to Helena.

She let go of Mingus and I quickly pulled Mingus into me. I slung his bag over my shoulder. Giving one last glance at Norman who had a sad look on his face I led Mingus to his bedroom. I sighed as I shut his door and Mingus went and sat on his bed just like last time.

I dropped his bag and bent down in front of him. I placed my hands on his knees and squeezed them slightly. Mingus looked up at me with sadness in his eyes. "Do they do this often?" I asked. Mingus sniffed a little before answering. "Only when dad has a girlfriend."

I sighed a little and squeezed his knees again. "It sucks I know. I used to listen to my parents fight a lot and I hated it. We'll never understand why they do it until we're parents ourselves," I nudged Mingus a little and watched as a small smile came across his face.

"There we go. There's that smile I like so much," Mingus smiled a little wider and I felt my own smile ghost across my face. I reached up and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into me. I heard a door slam and Mingus flinched. I sighed and squeezed him a little.

I heard Mingus's door squeak open and I looked over to see Norman standing in the doorway. I reached a hand towards him and gestured for him to come over. Norman didn't hesitate as his arms came around Mingus. I went to step back but Mingus latched onto me.

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