Chapter 20

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Thank you so much for the 13 comments on the last chapter!!!! Y'all are sooooo freaking awesome!!

In the next couple of chapters there's gonna be a little bit of a jump. This chapter is going to jump to Norman leaving to Georgia for TWD filming. I didn't want to go through the months without Norman really being around cause that would be boring to read and write! And we're going to say Mandy and Norman discussed him leaving. I didn't feel like writing that out! Which it falls into the right place because it's around the end of April beginning of May time! This chapter will be normal but the chapter 21 will be a 3 month jump! I know you guys don't want to go three months of stuff without Norman :P

This chapter is dedicated to @SynysterHarlot because she said she would comment and @randompersonH20 because she just started this story today and she's caught up!!


I was currently sitting on Norman's bed watching him pack. Eye was lying beside me purring while sleeping. "I can't believe you're leaving me," I groaned while flopping back on the bed. Norman chuckled while continuing to pack. Shirt, pants, more shirts, hoodie, extra Raybans.

Norman stopped packing and leaned over top of me. "I can't believe you're not coming with me," he mumbled against my lips before connecting them together for a short kiss. I sighed when he pulled back and touched my lips which were now tingling.

He bit his lip before pulling back fully and continuing his packing. "Well if I didn't have my brother and his damn bar to worry about I would pack my bags, but I don't want to lose my job," I said. Norman snorted and I cocked an eyebrow at him slightly confused.

"When was the last time you went to work?" he asked me. Honestly I had to think. It had been awhile. "Exactly," Norman said. I rolled my eyes. "Well, if I didn't have someone distracting me," I said the tone in my voice teasing. Norman glared down at me.

"That goes both ways, woman," I chuckled and grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me. He collapsed on top of me and supported his weight with his elbows. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him flush against me. He sighed a little before bending down to kiss me.

"I'm gonna miss this," Norman mumbled in between kisses. I moaned a little in agreement before running one of my hands through his hair. "At least we have one more night together," I said once Norman pulled back. He nodded slightly but I could still see the slight sadness in his eyes.

"When is Mingus coming back over?" I asked knowing that he was going to be with us for the night to spend the last minutes with his dad. "He should be here soon," he said. I nodded a little and pushed him off me while sitting up and propping myself up on my elbows.

"Are you almost done packing?" I asked. Norman nodded again and dropped his bags on the ground along with Eye's carrying cage. I frowned seeing that he only had one bag and a backpack and he would be staying for almost three months. Norman noticed my frown.

"What" he asked. I shook my head lightly. "Just doesn't seem like a lot of clothing for how long you're staying," I said. Norman chuckled. "I'm picky when it comes to clothing and I buy underwear and socks down there and then throw them away when I come back."

I felt myself rolling my eyes. "Such a typical guy," I said. Norman cracked a smile. "Creature of habit," he said. I rolled my eyes again. "So what are we going to do tonight?" I asked. Norman shrugged. "I just figured we'd stay here and hang. I really just want it to be us tonight. I love my fans but I don't want any interruptions tonight. I'll be away from you guys for about three months."

I felt myself frowning again. "Don't frown, babe," he said. He took his index fingers and pushed up the corners which made me chuckle. "I just don't want you to go," I whispered. Norman placed a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me towards him.

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