Chapter 70

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So guys, here it is. The finale chapter of LOTE! I am so sad to see this story go but I am so excited to get into my new stories SSL and DWTD. Make sure to check those out if you haven't already!


Here's from me to you:


Thank you for everything with this story. I know there was a lot of issues halfway through this story because someone stole my original work and tried to make it their own and I had to make my stories private which caused a lot more issues because people weren't following me. Now it seems like everything is settled and this story is ending. I am definitely sad to see this go but I am very excited to get into my other works. It's time to move on. I'm happy with how this story went and how it's ending. Thank you for over 356,000 reads, thank you for over 6,000 votes, thank you for over 2,000 comments, thank you for keeping this story number one in the Norman Reedus section. Thank you for 27 comments on the last chapter. Just....thank you for everything and I hope you guys continue to stick with me in my new stories and adventures because it seems like I lost a lot of readers when FTLOD ended. So please don't leave me because I am far from being done writing new stories.


I can't believe I'm 43 followers from 3,000 that's just crazy to me!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!


Remember to follow my fan twitter Chupacabra_94 and like my facebook page


You can get my book on amazon "In The End" by Jessica Baker and USA readers can get it through me just ask me how if you're interested!!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Here's the last chapter, Nords!




Norman and I didn't do that much that night besides just enjoying each other's company. We went to the fair and rode a few rides, then we enjoyed a nice beach side dinner and now we were currently enjoying a late night walk down the beach. It was a little after midnight.

Norman had his shoes dangling from his left hand while his right arm was around me. It was quiet between us. The only sound we had was the waves lapping around our feet and the only thing lighting our way was the moon. I liked how simple our relationship was.

"I married my best friend," Norman said quietly. We stopped walking and he turned to face me. A small smile cracked across my face. "I didn't know you and Flanery got married," I said sarcastically. Norman chuckled and bent down so he was closer to me.

"You know what I mean," he said. I nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I married mine too," Norman smiled and I heard a soft thud before I felt both of his arms around me meaning he had dropped his shoes. "I love you," he whispered before connecting his lips with mine.


I couldn't remember what time we had gotten back to our condo that night and I couldn't remember actually going to sleep. I just remember Brynlee waking us up early the next morning wanting to go out to the beach and play. We only had one more day here left.

Mingus had taken Brynlee out of our bedroom to get her ready while Norman and I sat up in bed trying to rub the sleep out of our eyes. "Morning Beautiful," he said while leaning over to kiss my cheek. I groaned and rubbed my eyes trying to wake up.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now