Chapter 8

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"I can't believe you made me do that!" I said while walking through the living room in Norman's apartment. I had shed my coat and boots at the door and now I flopped on his couch. Mingus and Norman were laughing the whole time I was complaining.

While walking downtown after having ice cream New York decided to be cool and start dumping snow. Okay so it wasn't New York's fault but you get the point. I looked up and was instantly met by Norman's blue eyes. He had an evil smirk on his face.

"All part of the plan?" I asked him. He chuckled before falling on top of me. He caught himself with his hands before falling on me completely. "Mingus go pack your stuff. Your mom will be here soon," Norman addressed Mingus without even looking up at him.

I rolled my eyes at him. I was always curious so I decided to ask. "Does Mingus live with his mom?" Norman shook his head. "I have full custody but we live close enough that we let Mingus stay where he wants when he wants," I nodded taking in the information.

There was a knock and Norman groaned while getting off of me to go answer it. I sat up and tried to fix myself knowing it would be Mingus's mom. I sighed as I watched a woman, who seemed very high maintenance I might add walked right into Norman's apartment.

She completely ignored Norman, who looked lost, and directed her attention towards me. "Who are you?" What the hell? Who does she think she is? I stood up trying to be polite. "Mandy," I said while offering my hand to her. She looked down at my hand then over at Norman.

"Are you ever going to have a girlfriend your age? Especially since you have a 13 year old son? How old are you? 19?" she was now addressing me. I felt like a stray cat trapped in a corner. "I uh...well," "Helena, leave her alone dammit!" I was a little shocked by Norman's outburst.

We all heard a thud and our eyes followed. Mingus was standing at the end of the hallway with his bag at his feet. "I'll just, uh yeah, Mingus," I quickly walked over to him, placing my hands on his shoulders and wheeled him around back to his bedroom.

Right when the door shut the arguing on the other side began. I sighed as Mingus sat on his bed. I watched as he ran a hand through his hair. I thought back to Helena. Mingus didn't look anything like her. He was a spitting image of Norman. His mini me as I called him.

I went and sat beside Mingus and threw an arm around him. "I'm sorry bud," I said while squeezing him a little. I felt him shrug. "It's okay. She always does this. It doesn't bother me. You're cool," I felt a smile creep on my face at his words. It made me feel a little better.

"Well thanks, bud. That means a lot, but I'm still sorry. I hated it when my parents fought," once again Mingus shrugged and I decided to leave the conversation at that. It was silent on both sides of the door. I was hoping they hadn't killed each other out there.

I sighed as I ran a hand lightly through Mingus's hair causing him to stick his tongue out at me. "I need to go to the bathroom," Mingus said while getting up. I nodded. "There and right back. I don't want you to get in the middle of that out there," Mingus nodded and walked out the door.

I ran a hand over my face and groaned. I was hoping Helena wouldn't always be like this. I was hoping we could tolerate each other for the sake of Mingus. I didn't have to be best friends with her. I didn't have a problem. I respected her. She is Mingus's mom and I will never replace that.

"Mom stop!" oh shit. I quickly shot off Mingus's bed and darted out the door. "Mandy is cool and I like her! Leave her alone!" I walked in right as Mingus was ending his little rant. I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Sorry he told me he was going to the bathroom."

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now