Chapter 64

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I would just like to thank all of you for being so patient with me when it comes to these updates. As of right now I am playing the waiting game. I have my license, car, insurance and tags, now I'm just waiting for someone to call me about a job (I've applied to about 20 places) so please cross your fingers, pray, send positive thoughts my way, anything. Because I reaaallly need a job!

Anyway, like I said thank you again for the continue love and support and as a slight apology I am also uploading the next chapter of SSL!! So make sure to go check that out!!! Don't forget that you can get my book "In The End" through me (signed if in the USA) and anywhere on Amazon "In The End by Jessica Baker" Also if you have gotten a copy and finished it can you please please please go put a review of the book on amazon? Also the first chapter of my book is posted on here so you can go read it and see what you think before you buy it :)

Please don't forget to vote for FTLOD in Watty Awards! Voting ends the 31st of this month!! I'm under the tv show tab! Click TV shows and then scroll past the cover photos for the stories and you will find the voting polls under them. I'm under the "Most Popular" tab :)

Thank you for over 1,300 followers! Thank you for over 170,000 reads, over 3,000 votes, and over 1,700 comments! 25 comments on the last chapter? Meh, I've seen better! Don't leave me now!

Chapter 64 of LOTE is dedicated to........@PropertyofDarylDixon I hope you enjoy this chapter after patiently waiting with everyone else!

We're doing a year time jump now!! Brynlee is 2, Mingus will be 17!! And it's season 8 of TWD!!

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


It didn't feel like it had been another year already. Brynlee was still steadily growing and now she was full on walking and running all over the place. It seemed like yesterday she was pulling herself up on my pants leg just trying to stand. I couldn't believe Brynlee was two.

We were still in New York as of right now. Norman had gotten a phone call from his producers telling him that he was required to be down there a week after the rest of the cast because they didn't need him in the first episode. He loved his job but I could tell that he was happy to be home.

It seemed like Brynlee was waking us up earlier and earlier every morning. We always knew when she was coming because we heard her tiny feet across the hardwood floor and then we would feel her pulling herself up onto the bed by the comforter.

I was slightly surprised when I didn't feel it again this morning. Brynlee was usually in here every morning around 8:30 but today when I looked at the clock I noticed that it was 9:30 and I still hadn't heard or seen Brynlee in here.....yet. You never knew with her.

I sighed and slowly opened my eyes and I couldn't help but smile when they connected with a certain someone's. "Morning," I whispered softly. Norman gave me a small smile. "Beautiful," Norman whispered back. I felt my smile grow just a little more.

"I'm surprised Brynlee isn't in here by now," I said. Norman groaned and held a finger to my lips. "Shhhh," he said softly while wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him while tucking my head under his chin. I sighed a little and placed my hand on his chest.

"I love my daughter but I like peace with you in the morning," he mumbled into my hair. I couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. I enjoyed quiet mornings with him too but I did like it when Brynlee came running in here excited about the long day ahead of us.

I ran my hand lightly up and down his bare chest. Norman kissed my forehead and let his lips linger there for a second. I heard a door squeak open and Norman let out a huffed chuckle. " Brynlee," I said quietly expecting our bedroom door to open.

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