Chapter 30

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SO GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've posted the first chapter of my new Daryl Dixon story "My Damaged Savior!" I know it's only one chapter (for right now) but it would mean a lot if you guys would go and check it out and comment what you think! People seem to already be enjoying it and I hope the rest of you do too!!!!

*waves frantically* HI NEW FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go follow my fan twitter if you haven't already! Chupacabra_94

There were a lot of good guesses as to what was in the bag in the last chapter but I guess you'll have to wait and see what it really is :P

Here's the next chapter Nords!!


Mingus didn't help me at all. He kept his mouth shut and just smiled mischievously at me. He was just like his father when it came to keeping secrets. I sighed and flopped back on my couch. I decided to let Norman spend some alone time with Mingus because I knew they needed it.

My phone rang and I picked it up. "Thank you for my package," I said knowing it was Stacey. I heard her chuckle. "Hello to you too," she said. I curled my feet underneath of me. "Did Norman get it?" she asked. I chuckled and shook my head though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Actually no, I had to explain it. Which made it 10 times more embarrassing," I grumbled. Stacey started cracking up. "I don't get why you think this is funny," I said. Stacey laughed louder. "You should hear this from my end!" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't like it if it was you! I'm just glad that Mingus wasn't around. I don't need his child ears hearing shit like that!" I said. Stacey chuckled again. "Does he even know?" she asked. I felt my eyebrows furrow together slightly. I sighed a little.

"Know about what?" I asked her. It was quiet for a few seconds. "About you and Norman," she said. I ran a hand through my hair and tugged on it lightly. "No, and honestly I don't want him to know. That would disturb me to no end if I was him," I said.

"Yeah, I understand that, but if you end up pregnant obviously he's going to figure it out," that hit me like a ton of bricks. There was a long awkward silence. "Mandy?" Stacey asked slowly. I bit my lip and felt myself staring off in the distance.

"Yeah," I whispered. "Mandy, were you and Norman protected?" she asked slowly. I sighed again. "Nope," I said. It seemed like the whole world had stopped around me. Everything was silent. I couldn't even hear Stacey anymore as I hung up the phone.

I sat my phone on the coffee table before putting my head in my hands. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Norman standing in my doorway. He shook his keys at me before tucking them in his pocket. I ran my hands through my hair and sat back.

"I thought you were spending time with Mingus?" I asked him as he came and sat beside me. Norman wrapped his arm around me. "We went out for a bit, but I don't think he got that much sleep so now he's taking a nap," he said. I snuggled into his side more.

"How's everything going over here?" he asked. I gestured to my bags that were still sitting by the couch. "Still haven't unpacked yet, but I'll get there," I said. Norman chuckled and squeezed me a little more. My hand slowly trailed up and down his arm that was around me.

"Everything else okay though?" he asked. I shrugged a little. "Yeah, just peachy," I said. Norman shifted so he was now looking at me. "Are you okay?" he asked. He was just full of questions. I racked my brain trying to think how I could bring this up.

"Actually, can I talk to you about something?" I asked him. Norman pushed me lightly so I was looking at him. I placed my legs over his lap and looked up at him. "What's up, babe?" he asked. I sighed and brought my hand up to Norman's hair. I played with it lightly as I tried to collect my thoughts.

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