Chapter 26

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Okay little contest time!!! I need two things!!

1 – I need a girl name that could have a good nickname. Example: Madison, Maddie.

2 – I need twin names!! It will be a boy and a girl!! The names don't HAVE to rhyme but if they do that's okay.

Comment below both of them!! The winner gets a dedication on a chapter!!!

Has anybody seen the movie Tough Luck with Norman in it? If not go on hulu and check it out!! It's such an amazing movie!! But I'm thinking about starting a Tough Luck fanfic just using the characters though and not the story line!!

If you haven't followed me on my fan twitter yet go follow me!! I give away sneak peeks! And I do contests!! @Chupacabra_94!!

Over 11,000 reads, over 600 votes, and over 200 comments!!! Y'all are so freaking awesome!!!


Norman and I had both fell asleep after finished. We had slept for a few hours and we were now wide awake. It was about three in the morning and we were listening to the rain softly hitting the window behind the bed. I was lying on my stomach facing the window while Norman was propped up on his side with his arm under his head.

"You should ride back with me," Norman whispered while running his fingers up and down my still bare spine. I turned my head and faced him. He was staring at me intently. Even though it was dark outside his bright blue eyes easily shown through it.

"Hm?" I asked. His fingers were lulling back into sleep slowly. Norman shifted closer to me and started drawing small circles on my back. I sighed a little relaxing into his touch. "I'm renting a car and driving back to Manhattan. Come with me," he whispered.

I closed my eyes and moaned slightly when he pressed his fingers into my back lightly. I opened my eyes again to see him still staring at me. "Cancel your flight. Save the money and drive back with me. I've missed you and I want you close to me," he said.

I bit my lip thinking about what he had just said. I was glad that it was dark because I feel myself blushing deep from his words. I barely nodded. "Okay," I whispered. I watched as Norman's white teeth shown through the darkness as he smiled.

Norman wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. "Good," Norman mumbled against my head before kissing my temple and then my forehead. He kept his lips pressed against my forehead and I relaxed into him. "Go back to sleep. We have to get up soon."


It didn't take me long to fall back asleep after Norman had told me too. His alarm clock though seemed like it was ringing only five minutes later. I groaned as I felt Norman shift under me to shut it off. "No, not yet," I groaned while trying to pull him back into me.

Norman chuckled and clicked the alarm clock off before wrapping his arms back around me. I sighed and snuggled into him more. I ran my fingers lazily over his chest. I knew I wasn't going to fall back asleep but I wanted to just lay here forever.

"We need to get going," Norman whispered while running his hand up and down my arm. I sighed again. "I guess you're right," I said. I sat up and Norman's arms slid down to my waist. "I need a shower," I said pulling the sheet around me to cover myself.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now