Chapter 44

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Over 49,000 reads, over 1,000 votes, over 900 comments (975 comments to be exact!) I've gained over 3,000 reads since the last chapter!! Let's see if we can hit over 1,000 before I post the next chapter!! It would be amazing if we could! But still keep the comments serious and about the chapter!!

Follow my fan twitter!!! Chupacabra_94

I'm gonna play a fun little game. For anyone that comments on this chapter (serious comments about the chapter) I will write your name down and put it in a bowl. Every time I will update after that I will pull out a name and that chapter will be dedicated to you! Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!

I'm about to reveal some HUGE news soon and I can't wait to share it with all of you!!

There's gonna be a month time jump in this chapter!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


Christmas was just around the corner which meant we were closer to getting to know the sex of the baby. Through the past month my stomach had started to grow and you could definitely tell that I was pregnant now. I had to start buying new clothes.

In the past month though I had started getting some crazy cravings. Some that I never thought would have existed. I craved mostly spicy and sweet foods but there were some nights, like tonight, that my taste buds would be craving some of the craziest things.

Tonight I wasn't sure what I was in the mood for. Everything sounded good. I wasn't able to sleep. I was hungry and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I had taken care of the cravings. I sighed and rolled over to see Norman asleep beside me.

His arms were wrapped around my waist and his hands were resting on my stomach. I slowly moved out from his arms and left a pillow in my place which Norman hugged and sighed heavily. I slowly walked through the living room and into the kitchen.

I opened the refrigerator and felt like I was in pregnancy heaven. Norman had gone grocery shopping earlier that day and right now I loved him for it. I sat down on the floor and started pulling food out of the fridge. I didn't hesitate to hurry and open some of the packaging so I could dig in.

About halfway through my 'meal' I heard a sigh and light footsteps coming through the apartment. I knew it was Norman. Every time I got up in the middle of the night for cravings or anything Norman seemed to be right behind me making sure I was okay.

I looked up with a cheese stick hanging halfway out of my mouth to see Norman standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He was standing there shirtless, with plaid pajama pants dragging the ground, he was missing a sock, and his hair was sticking up in every direction.

He pulled on his pants a little to try and keep them up on his hips. I smiled. He was adorable even when he was halfway asleep. I turned back to my food and continued to munch away on all the different foods I had in front of me. Norman took a few steps into the kitchen.

"Are those pizza rolls?!" He asked, his voice suddenly clearer and sounding more alert. I looked down at the pudding cups laid out before me, pizza rolls sticking out of each one. I looked back up at him, my eyes wide and innocent looking as I nodded.

"I had a craving," I whimpered playfully. The corner of Norman's mouth perked up as he walked the rest of the way in and sat down behind me. He scooted in close and wrapped his arms around my waist, his nose gently nuzzling against my shoulder. "At least it's not pickles and Nutella this time," Norman mumbled against my skin.

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