Chapter 51

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Over 69,000 reads! Over 2,000 votes and almost 1,300 comments!!!!! And 570 followers HOLY SHIT! And 44 comments on the last chapter!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Alright so everyone that hasn't heard the big news yet, are you ready????

I'M COMING OUT WITH A BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It drops the end of November and I'll have the first hard copies to sell by the first week of December!! The title is called "In The End" I'll give you the guys the backstory and a little snippet!


Life for Evelyn Owens was full of lies, betrayal, and......murder. Being an assassin who seduces and kills abusive husbands and boyfriends has made her life turn upside down. Constantly moving, changing her name, and changing her looks, makes it hard for her to have a regular life with regular friends. Life soon gets the best of her and she does what she does best, she fights. But when her own past starts to come into play she wants to run because it all comes back to haunt her in the end...


"Hi, my name is Evelyn, but for this mission I'm going as Iris. I'm actually 32 but according my bosses and my new license I am 28. My long blonde hair has now been cut short into a dark brown bob. My blue eyes are now brown because of the colored contacts. There isn't much to know about me except one thing. a murder."

I have already figured out that anyone outside of the USA will have to buy the book off of Amazon. I'm sorry for that but it is way too much to ship it myself or have you pay for it. It was $35 to ship to Canada and that was not including the price of the book. Anyone in the USA! You can also buy it on Amazon! But if you would like the book signed you have to buy it through me! Unless you buy it on Amazon and then ship it to me but that will just make you have to spend more money. Anyway I will let everyone know what the price is as soon as I figure it out myself!! I hope you guys will buy a copy! I have had a friend that has already read it and said it sounded like a twisted Boondock Saints! So I think all Norman Reedus/Daryl Dixon/Sean Patrick Flanery fans will enjoy it!!

Pulling another name out of the bowl!! Chapter 51 of LOTE is dedicated to.......@songbirdie I hope you enjoy this chapter! Remember commenting gets your name in the bowl for dedications and sneak peeks!!!

Sorry this author's note is so long but I have to get all that out!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords! Guess what time it is!!


Norman had started filming season six of Walking Dead which meant I was basically left at the house by myself. I was perfectly okay with it though because it gave me time to organize everything for the arrival of baby Brynlee which was getting closer.

I was a few days away from my due date and I could definitely feel it. Today though Mingus was also flying down here which I was excited for I missed him dearly. I was cleaning and organizing from top to bottom and making sure everything was perfect.

I wanted everything to be set so when Brynlee came all we had to do was come home and relax while enjoying our new arrival. I sighed as I sat back on the edge of the bed giving my legs and feet a break from being on them. Brynlee kicked and I chuckled while rubbing my stomach.

"Almost time, baby just stay in there for a couple more days," I told her while continuing to rub my belly. My phone started ringing and I picked it up seeing Stacey's face flash across the screen. I smiled and answered it quickly while getting off the bed.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now