Chapter 57

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Over 103,000 reads over 2,000 votes over 1,500 comments!!! I am disappointed though. Only 30 comments on the last chapter better than the last but whats going on? Comments have went way down :( I feel like you guys have completely given up on this story, because all my other stories are getting outstanding comments!!!!!!!




So this update was supposed to be up yesterday but I was really busy. But it's a perfectly good excuse! Wanna know what it is? MY BOOK IS COMPLETE!!!!!!! You can now order personal signed copies through me!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately this is for USA ONLY but if you want a signed copy of my book "In The End" You have to get it through me!!! Books are $15 and if you're interested you can message me on here and I'll send you my fanmail PO Box that I set up specifically for fanmail and money orders for books!! So if you are wanting a book you can message me!!!!! 15 copies have already been ordered!! Amazon accounts for USA and any others countries are up!! Just search "In The End by Jessica Baker" and it should pop up and be the first one but those WONT be signed!! No I will not be posting it on wattpad or any other websites. No, it won't be in a library for you to check out. If you want to read it you'll have to buy a copy through me or through Amazon. I hope ALL of my USA readers will buy a copy from me!! I would LOVE to sign a copy for every single one of you!!!!! I hope you get a copy!!


Follow my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94!


Happy birthday to @Thesunisyellow!!


Chapter 57 of LOTE is dedicated to..................@Thesunisyellow!! HAHA how ironic!! Happy birthday girl!! Hope you enjoy this chapter along with everyone else!!!


Reedus kisses for everyone! Xx


Here's the next chapter, Nords! Another time jump to Halloween! Brynlee is now 5 months!!




We were so close to heading home. We only had about a month left before Norman wrapped the season and then we would be heading back to Manhattan and I couldn't be more excited. As much as I loved my family and friends down here things were different now.

I cared more about my child and I knew it was the motherly instincts that had been kicking in since I was pregnant. I wanted Brynlee to be surrounded by her brother and her father before she was around all my friends and other people. Norman and Mingus came first.

I sighed as I cleared the fog on the mirror from my shower. Norman had the day off since it was Halloween. I quickly got dressed and threw my hair up in a wet bun. We weren't planning on doing anything today besides staying inside in the quiet.

It was a risky holiday to take a five month old out. Some people could be complete idiots on Halloween. I slid a pair of socks on my feet before walking out of the bedroom. I heard the giggles escaping Brynlee before I even made it to the living room.

When I reached the doorway to the living room I could see Norman sitting in the floor with his back to me. I knew he had Brynlee standing up and letting her bounce. She had started doing that recently and it let her strengthen and exercise her little legs.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorframe watching them. Norman slowly looked over his shoulder and gave me a small smile before turning back to Brynlee and standing up with her. When he turned around to face me I felt my eyes become wide.

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