Chapter 59

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Over 117,000 reads! over 3,000 votes and over 1,600 comments! I will say though I am disappointed in the comments on the last chapter. Only 21? Come on guys! I feel like you have given up on me :(

Thank you for 928 followers!! 72 until 1,000! I think I'll make it before Christmas!!!!!

Follow my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94!

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Chapter 59 of LOTE is dedicated to......@RachelRose 523 I hope you enjoy this chapter along with everyone!!

We're jumping to Christmas! Brynlee is 7 months old! Growing up way too fast!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxx

Here's the next chapter Nords!


You know it's funny. In the quiet hours of the morning I found myself wide awake lying beside Norman thinking. I guess my internal clock was still on newborn mood because I would wake up around six every morning even though I knew Brynlee would be sleeping until at least eight.

Norman's quiet breaths beside me kept me relaxed as I laid there looking at the ceiling. Who knew my life would change so much in almost three years. I never thought that I would be together with a guy that I loved for almost three years and end up having a child together.

I sighed and ran a hand over my face. I knew I needed to get up. It was Christmas morning and I was planning on making breakfast like I did every year. I rolled over to look at Norman. I felt my eyes become wide seeing that he was already awake and looking at me.

"Morning," I whispered softly. Norman gave me a small smile before reaching out and tracing my jaw bone lightly with his finger. His finger ran down my jaw and under my mouth lightly. I felt my mouth open slightly to his touch and Norman stopped.

His finger slowly came up and traced my bottom lip before he let his whole hand caress my cheek. I leaned into his touch and side as I turned my head to kiss his palm. "I love you," I mumbled against his palm. I heard Norman swallow hard and let out a breath.

"Yeah I love you too," he said. I leaned forward and Norman met me halfway connecting our lips in a short kiss. I sighed as he parted my lips with his own and pushed his tongue softly into my mouth. My hand came up and ran through his hair before tugging him towards me more.

Norman shifted so he was hovering over top of me. His body was now pressed against mine and I stifled a soft groan. One thing I hated about coming home from filming was that he always had a ton of conventions to go to promote the new season and I barely got to see him.

My other hand gripped his shirt in a tight fist and pulled him flat against me so our bodies were one and there was no longer any space between us. Norman broke our kiss and started kissing his was across my cheek and then down my neck. I stifled another groan trying to be quiet as he kissed the spot where my shoulder and my neck came together.

We hadn't been intimate since we had been back in New York even though it only a month it felt like it had been forever. My hands found the bottom of Norman's shirt and tugged it upwards. We separated for a quick second to remove his shirt from over his head.

I threw it across the room before Norman attacked my lips again. As Norman started working on my shirt a soft whine from the baby monitor and then a louder cry broke us apart. We both groaned as we pulled back and Norman rested his forehead against mine.

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