Chapter 12

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Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that you guys are enjoying this story!!! And I just hit over 1,000 reads! Hopefully I'll start getting more reads, comments, and votes!! Love y'all!


I slid out of bed trying best to not wake Stacey's sleeping figure beside me. I quickly took a shower. Stacey had already been here a day. We had spent a little time unpacking all of her crap before we hit the town. Stacey was like a little kid on Christmas morning.

I had taken her to every place I could think of before we were both tired of walking and decided to head back to my apartment. I quickly got out of the shower and got dressed. I looked at my clock as I heard a knock on the door. It was only nine in the morning.

Stacey grumbled. "Who is it?" she asked the sleep still heavy in her voice. I chuckled. "Go back to bed, Stace. I got it," I said. I quickly ran down the hall when the person knocked on the door again. "Dear Lord, keep your shirt on," I said while opening the door.

I soon felt a familiar pair of lips on mine. God, good thing I brushed my teeth this morning. I pulled back and opened my eyes. There stood Norman, in jeans and a black hoodie, no sunglasses thank the Lord. I smiled a little at him. He cracked a smile at me as well.

"I'm sure you would prefer me with my shirt off," Norman said. I rolled my eyes and opened the door a little bit more to let Norman inside. I quietly shut the door behind him. He held up a to go carried that had three cups sitting in it. He grabbed one and took a sip of it while holding the carrier out to me.

"Caramel latte, three shots of espresso, and with extra whip cream," Norman smiled a little. I grabbed the cup and my nostrils were instantly filled with the scent of caramel. "I didn't know what Stacey likes so I got her the same thing," he said while tapping the cup.

I walked into the kitchen and placed the cups on the counter. "I actually have something for you too," I said while turning around. I grabbed the key off the counter and handed it to him. He looked down at it with a slight smile on his face before reaching into his pocket.

"So you will stop stealing mine," I said while taking a sip of my coffee. Norman finally removed his hand from his pocket and I saw him pull out another key. "You mean this key?" he asked while holding it out to me. I quickly grabbed my key ring and sure enough my house key was gone again.

I glared over at him before grabbing it. "Damn you," I grumbled while sliding the key back on my ring. "You doing anything else the rest of the day?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Good, I'm gonna pick Mingus up at the school. Then I'll see you at the bar around 3:30."

Norman cocked an eyebrow at me. "Mingus can't go to the bar," he said. I nodded. "Tonight he can," I said. Norman's eyebrows rose. "I don't understand," he said. I sighed and looked out into the living room. I didn't hear any movement coming from down the hall.

"Jordann's not opening the bar tonight because we're throwing a party for Stacey," I said. Norman relaxed a little. "That makes sense now," he said. I chuckled a little and patted him on the shoulder. "Concerned father of the year award, Norman Reedus ladies and gentlemen."

Norman cracked a smile and pulled me into him. "I guess I'll see you tonight then," Norman whispered before placing his lips lightly on mine. I smiled a little when I pulled back. "Yeah, I'll see you tonight. Prepare to dance and drink!" I said. Norman chuckled while dancing out of the apartment.


I had convinced Stacey to come with me to get Mingus from school. Truthfully we needed to head straight to the bar after I got him and I knew I wouldn't have time to go back to the apartment to get her. Mingus, Stacey and I were now heading that way.

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