Chapter 68

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Hello! It's me again with another chapter!!! I hope you enjoyed the last one! LOTE only has 2 chapters left after this one!! Sad I know but I'm excited for the new stories that I'm coming up with! Please make sure to check out my story SSL and the first official chapter of my Tough Luck story "Dancing with the Devil."

So Norman and Mandy are officially married and headed with their family to Florida (Norman's home state) what are they gonna do now that they're a happily married couple?!

Over 325,000 reads, over 5,000 votes, and 31 comments on the last chapter! Thank you for the awesome welcome back! I'm glad some of you guys are still with me!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter Nords!!


"Daddy are we almost there?" Brynlee asked from the backseat for about the 50th time since we had left New York. We decided we were going to drive to avoid the busy airport plus it was going to give us more family time together. Norman squeezed my hand lightly.

I glanced over to see him smiling in the rear view mirror at Brynlee. She had her favorite stuffed kitten with her which was currently sitting in her lap. "We'll be there soon, baby girl," Brynlee's eyes sparkled slightly and she gave a small front toothless smile.

"Okay," she said before going back to play with her kitten. Mingus had brought a hand held video game to play, along with his Ipod to listen to music. Norman was in the driver's seat while I road shotgun. I could tell that he was having a hard time sitting in the car.

I figured that we would probably drive halfway there and then stop for the night but Norman told me he was determined to get there tonight. It was quiet between us for most of the ride besides the occasional babble about something from Brynlee.

Norman's hand squeezed mine again. I squeezed back which in return made him squeeze my hand again. I let out a small giggle. Norman looked in the rearview mirror and I followed his line of sight. Mingus was engrossed in his video game and Brynlee was now asleep.

I leaned across the console and kissed Norman's cheek. He leaned towards me slightly as I pulled back. We had about another 4 hours to go. "I can't wait to get to the condo," Norman said quietly while still looking in the rear view mirror checking on the kids.

I arched an eyebrow. "Oh yeah and why's that?" I asked him. Norman cracked a small smile. "Oh I think you know," he said huskily. I felt a shiver go up my spine thinking about the things he could do to me. I shifted slightly in my seat. I had suddenly became very hot.

Norman chuckled again before turning his attention back to the road. I played with the dial on the radio until I finally found a light rock station that I let play lowly just to fill the car with some sort of noise. I reclined my seat slightly and before I knew it I was out like a light.


I didn't remember being woke up and going into our condo on the beach but I woke up this morning in a big soft bed. I raised up a little to see that the sliding glass door was open and the smell of sea salt was in the air. I sat up the rest of the way and stretched.

I looked over to see that Norman was still lying beside me. I smiled and kissed his forehead before climbing out of the bed and making my way to the attached bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth trying to get rid of my terrible breath. I ran my fingers through my hair as I used my free hand to dig in my cosmetic case for a brush and a hair tie.

"Ow," I said as I tried to pull my hand away from my hair. Something was caught but I didn't know what it was. After a couple minutes I finally freed my hand only to reveal that my left ring finger was now occupied by something. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Oh my," I said while running my fingers lightly over it. I turned to head back into the bedroom still staring at the ring when I ran into a warm solid chest. "Norman," I whispered knowing it was him not even bothering to take my eyes off the ring that was on my finger.

His hands wrapped around mine. My eyes trailed up his naked chest until my eyes connected with his. "I couldn't just not give you a ring. It didn't feel right," he said softly. I felt the smile growing wider across my face. "I love you," I whispered while wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

Norman gave me a small smile while wrapping his arms around my waist. "And I love you," he whispered back before leaning in and connecting his lips with mine. I sighed into the kiss as Norman started walking backwards. He laid back on the bed pulling me with him.

I giggled as my hair fell around us seeing as I didn't get a chance to put it up. "I love you," Norman said again as we pulled back. I straddled his waist and looked out of the sliding glass door at the ocean. "This is absolutely beautiful," I said taking it all in.

Norman's hands were still resting on my hips. "You're beautiful," he said. I looked back down at him. "So what about you?" I asked him. Norman's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked me. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Are you going to wear a ring?" I asked him. It wasn't that I needed him too, I just wanted to know. Norman sighed and chewed on his bottom lip. "I love you," Norman said for the third time. By the way he had said it this time though I already knew the answer.

I gave him a slight nod. "You know I love you, obviously. It's just with all the traveling and movies, I'd be afraid I'd lose it when I have to take it off. Plus I don't want the fans flipping shit, ya know?" he said. I sighed but nodded. Norman was staring at me intently.

"It's okay. I understand. You don't have to profess to the world our undying love for each other," I said slightly sarcastically. Norman gave a small chuckle. "I compromised for it though," he said. This time I felt my eyebrows pull together in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. Norman lifted me off of him slightly and got off the bed. He grabbed his keys from the nightstand and held them up in front of my face. There on the key ring was a basic silver wedding band. I felt my smile grow a little.

Sure, he wasn't wearing it but hey I didn't mind. He was mine and I didn't need him to tell the world just so I would feel better about myself. Norman smiled at me. "So you're okay with it?" he asked me. I leaned in again. "As long as I have you, Brynlee, and Mingus. I'm perfectly okay."


So they're in Florida!! Only two chapters left!!

Don't forget to check out my story SSL and DWTD!

Don't forget to follow my fan twitter Chupacabra_94

And don't forget you can get my book "In The End" on amazon. Just search In The End by Jessica Baker. And USA readers you can get a signed copy through me if you would like one!!! The first chapter is posted on here if you would like to know how this story is going to go!!!

Comment, vote, fan, follow, add to reading list, spread the word! Reedus kisses for everyone!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

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