Chapter 15

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Hi there!! Sorry this update took so long! As some of you may know my 92 year old great grandmother was staying with me and let me tell you that was a blast! (note my sarcasm here) Well she was here for almost 2 months. That being said I was the one taking care of her seeing as my mom worked. I didn't get to leave the house for 2 months! I was going nuts! On Friday she finally left and I have been partying ever since! Friday night I rode up and down my road in my car with the windows down screaming 'FREEDOM!' Since then I have been hanging out with friends who didn't want to come around with granny being here! I've had a lot of catching up to do!! Anyway now I'm back and I'll be updating as much as my mind will let me again!!

It was so freaking awesome to come back and see over 2,000 (almost 3,000) reads for the whole story! And 21 comments on the last chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is freaking amazing!!! I hope you keep all those comments! I would love to get comments like that on every chapter!!!!! Hope you enjoy the update!!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


"It was so good to see you!" I exclaimed while wrapping my arms around both the girls. They were both taking the same flight to Altanta. Lyndi would get off the plane where her family would be there to pick her up and Stacey would have a layover to kill while waiting on the plane back to Oregon.

They pulled back both had sadness in their eyes. I did too but truthfully I was excited to get back to Norman and Mingus. I felt like I had been neglecting them lately. We heard the announcer calling their flight and we all hugged once last time before they grabbed their bags and headed towards the gate.

I sighed as I watched them hand the lady their tickets. They turned around and waved one more time before heading through the tunnel to board the plane. I smiled softly a little before turning around to head out of the airport. I needed to hurry home.

I clicked on my phone after I got outside the gated area of the airport. I felt a smile creep across my face as I saw Norman's name flash across my screen. "Hurry up, dammit ;)" he text read. I smiled a little and hit reply to tell him I was on my way when I collided with someone.

She hit the floor and I instantly felt bad. "Oh my God, I am so sorry. I totally wasn't paying attention to where I was going," I said offering a hand to help her up. She smiled and took it. She straightened herself out a little before grabbing her bag again.

"It's cool. I wasn't paying attention either," her eyes finally went up to meet mine. They suddenly became very wide. "Oh my gosh, your Norman Reedus's girlfriend," I felt my face become slightly confused. I couldn't find the right words to say.

I felt bad just staring at her. She chuckled a little. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone," she patted my shoulder lightly before continuing on her way. I turned around to watch her with a confused look still plastered on my face. I shook my head lightly before continuing out of the airport.

I quickly started my car and drove out of the parking lot making my way back towards the big city. I played music trying to past the time. Luckily it was only about 10:30 in the morning so traffic wasn't that bad but come on it was New York traffic was always hectic.

The music was not distracting me from my drive at all. The Black Angels were playing and it made me think about last night and an instant smile popped up on my face. I drummed my fingers lightly on my steering wheel waiting for the cars to move.

It seemed like every time I had somewhere to go traffic seemed to move even slower than it did before. Traffic was always bumper to bumper and moved only a couple inches maybe ever five minutes. I sighed and rested my head against the back of the seat.

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