Chapter 32

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I just wanted to say thank you to all my Nords for all the love and support!! I love how all of you are protective over me and my work and I will be forever grateful for it!!

Follow my fan twitter if you haven't already!! Chupacabra_94

Make sure to check out the summary of my weekend with some of The Walking Dead cast members that I posted!!! I answered everyone's questions that asked one!!!

If you haven't already go read 'My Damaged Savior' pre apocalyptic Daryl Dixon story!!

So GUYS!!! I just got the most exciting news ever!!!!!!!! I get to meet Steven Yeun (Glenn) Emily Kinney (Beth) Chad L Coleman (Tyreese) and I get to see Sean Clark again in September!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!! I get a new camera, I'm going to the beach, and I'm going to see more walking dead people and SEAN!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO IM SO PUMPED!!!!

Over 18,000 reads, over 900 votes and over 500 comments!!! Thank you so much! You guys are amazing!!!

Here's the next chapter Nords!!


Ah, Christmas morning. It was always one of those mornings that you were happy to get up no matter how early it was. This year I was extremely happy for Christmas though because I got to spend it with my two favorite people Norman and Mingus.

I opened my eyes and I was instantly met by blue ones. "Morning," Norman's raspy voice mumbled. I smiled up at him. "Morning to you too," I said. Norman pulled away from me. "Mingus will be up soon," he said. My smile grew a little bit.

"You mean he's not up yet?" I asked. Norman shook his head. "Well I'm going to wake him," I said while throwing the covers back. "Wait," I heard Norman say. I turned around to see him now sitting on the edge of the bed. I cocked an eyebrow at him and he held a hand out to me.

I took it and he pulled me into him. "Merry Christmas, baby," he whispered before connecting his lips to mine. I sighed and ran my hand through his hair before he pulled back. "Merry Christmas to you too," I said stepping back from him to head into Mingus's room.

I slowly opened the door being grateful that it didn't creak. Mingus was lying on his stomach with his head facing the wall. I grabbed one of his pillows that had fallen on the floor. I crawled up on his bed hoping that I didn't wake him. I lifted the pillow above my head.

"Mingus!" I accented his name with a smack of the pillow. He groaned a little. "Come on! Get up! Get up! Get up!" I continued smacking him with the pillow until he turned around to glare at me. "It's Christmas!" I sang in a terrible voice while throwing the pillow down on him.

"You better run," Mingus mumbled behind the pillow. I squealed and quickly jumped down from his bed making a run for the living room. I could hear Mingus's feet padding behind me. "Save me," I said while pulling Norman in front of me.

I clutched the back of Norman's shirt a little as I peeked around to look at Mingus. He glared at me again. "Children please," Norman said teasingly. I flopped back on the couch and Mingus came over and sat beside me. He laid his head on my shoulder and sighed.

"It's Christmas, how are you possibly tired?" I asked him. He shrugged a little and snuggled into my side more. Norman came back from the kitchen and sat two cups of coffee in front of Mingus and I. Mingus instantly reached for his and took a long drink.

"Just like your father," I mumbled while picking up my cup. Mingus shot me a slight smile. Norman came back in with a cup of coffee in his hand and sat beside me. We sat in silence as we drank our coffee. I could see the snow falling heavily outside.

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