Chapter 48

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Speaking of the bowl......this chapter of LOTE is dedicated to........@KathyReedus13 I hope you enjoy the chapter!! Remember if you comment (Serious comments about the chapter) you get your name in the bowl again whether it's in the bowl already or not!!!

500 FOLLOWERS 500 FOLLOWERS 500 FOLLWERS!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Congrats to @daphnech for being my 500th follower!! There's a sneak peek of LOTE sitting in your inbox!!

This chapter is going to answer some questions that you guys had ;)

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


"Are you guys ready?" I asked. Norman, Mingus, and I were sitting on the couch with me in the middle of both of them. My laptop was sitting on the coffee table in front of us. We were about to Skype with two very important people that were going to be in Brynlee's life.

Both Mingus and Norman nodded and I clicked on the Skype icon. A familiar face popped up first. "Okay, promise me that you won't freak, but I have someone joining us," the person nodded on the other end and I clicked on another icon revealing someone else.

I leaned back into Norman and we waited to see if anyone was going to react. Norman squeezed me a little and we waited on one of them to speak. "Reedenstein," I smiled hearing Flanery's nickname for Norman. Finally my best friend started moving.

"Stacey, are you alive over there?" I asked her. All of us chuckled when she shook her head. "Stacey, I think you know who Flanery is," Norman said. Stacey was already used to Norman being around but when it came to Flanery it was all new to her.

"Alright, so you're probably wondering why we decided to Skype with you both at the same time, right?" I asked them. Flanery and Stacey both nodded. I looked at Norman and he had a smile on his face. I looked over at Mingus who was smiling too.

I wrapped my arm around Mingus and pulled him into me. "Well, Norman and I were doing some talking," I said. "Hey!" Mingus piped in. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Okay, and Mingus," I said. Norman kissed my temple and I watched Stacey smile.

"Well anyway we decided that we want you, Stacey, to be the Godmother of Brynlee," I said. Norman jumped in. "And Flanery we want you to be the Godfather," Norman said. We watched as both their eyes became wide. I'm pretty sure they were speechless.

"Seriously?" Flanery spoke first. Both Norman and I chuckled before nodding. "Of course!" I said and Flanery smiled. "I would be honored," he said. I felt a smile coming across my face. Stacey was still not speaking and I was wondering if she was still breathing.

"Stacey?" I asked slowly. She blinked a few times and I sighed resting my hands on my still growing stomach. Norman's hand slipped under mine and we laced our fingers together. "Yeah, I'm here," she said softly. I put a smile on. "So?" I asked her.

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