Chapter 22

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Can we have a serious moment here for a second? I am beyond grateful for all the reads, comments, and votes I have gotten on this story. Over 8,000 reads, over 400 votes, and over 175 comments! That is amazing!! What isn't amazing is the hate mail I got this past weekend.


I am very disappointed in the people that sent me private messages that said things like "It's been a week. Why haven't you updated?" "I'm getting impatient would you update already?" "What's taking so long?" etc etc. On top of that I got some not so very nice messages about how my characters are stupid and lame etc.


Guys I find it very rude that you sent me messages about how mad you were because I haven't updated. (To my readers who haven't done such a thing I am sorry that you have to read this and I love you guys!!) I have a life outside of fanfics.


I am a senior in high school who is trying to finish by November. I own my own business and sometimes there are days when I just don't have to time or I don't feel like writing. I was on vacation this past weekend and I kept getting emails from people wanting me to update.


If I get any more of these I will not hesitate to block you so you can no longer message me, write on my wall, or leave comments on my story. It was very uncalled for. It takes me at least three days to write and edit a new chapter.


To everyone else who has been very nice and kind when it comes to my updates and is very friendly in my comment section and when messaging me this chapter is dedicated to you! I love you all!


The winner of the cover contest is @Maddie_2297!! The cover will be now the cover that she made! And I will be tagging her to make sure she sees it!! But this chapter is dedicated to all my nice lovely readers out there!! Love you all and thank you for all the kind words, votes, messages, and reads!!!


Reedus kisses for everyone!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




I woke up the next morning to a light knock on my door. I slowly sat up and yawned. "Come in," I said the sleep still thick in my voice. I watched as the door slowly open and my mother's head popped in. She had a slightly confused look on her face.

"Morning, mom," I said while stretching. A small smile played on my mother's face. "What?" I asked her. She stepped fully into my room and shut the door. "So, there's this really attractive older guy downstairs," I cocked an eyebrow at her and her smile grew a little.

"He claims he knows you. About 5'11", dark brown shaggy hair, with black sunglasses permanently attached to his face," she said and I felt my eyes go wide as I threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. I quickly ran to the bathroom and turned around to face my mother.

"Are you crazy? Why would you let him in here?! I'm not even cute yet!" I groaned before shutting the door and quickly turning on the water for the shower. I don't think I had ever taken a faster shower in my life. I quickly dried off and got dressed.

I pulled my wet hair up into a bun and applied simple makeup. I slid my contacts in and hurried out the door. I trotted down the stairs and froze on the bottom step when I saw Norman sitting at the kitchen table with my father sitting across from him.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now