Chapter 56

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Over 96,000 reads over 2,000 votes over 1,500 comments!! I will say guys I am a tad disappointed the last couple chapters have been lacking comments 30 and 27? That's not like you guys. What's going on? Are you guys giving up on this story?

761 followers!!!!!! Thank you! It would be cool to hit 1,000 by Christmas!! Ya never know it could happen!

I know I said I wasn't going to but I posted the second chapter of SSL because I couldn't stay away from it!! BUT It is the last chapter I will post until LOTE is done!! I can't run three stories at once and try to write a book! It will drive me insane!! So please go check it out! Read vote and comment!! Thank you!!

If you haven't voted for all the chapter of FTLOD will you please? The higher the votes, comments, and reads I have the closer I can get to the top in my rankings for the watty awards. So far I'm in 4th but I'm 100 votes away from being in 3rd!! Please help a sister out!

Follow my fan twitter! Chupacabra_94

SSL has been knocked down a place!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go check it out if you haven't already!

My book's gonna be finished in 6 days! Who's getting excited!!!

Chapter 56 of LOTE is dedicated to................@cissy757! I hope you enjoy this chapter along with everyone!! Don't forget to comment! It gets your name in the bowl for a dedication or sneak peek!!!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


I woke up early the next morning. Mingus's flight was at 9:30 and I wanted him to have a good breakfast before we took him to the airport. It was about six in the morning and it took about 30 minutes to get to the airport where we lived. I knew the rest of the house would be up soon.

I started cracking eggs and putting them in the pan before whipping up some waffle batter and placing it in the waffle iron. I grabbed some bacon from the refrigerator and sniffed it making sure that it was still good before opening the package and placing some in the pan.

I heard a door creak open knowing that it was one of the bedrooms. Quiet footsteps came through the house and entered the kitchen. I looked behind me to see that it was Mingus. I gave him a small smile which he returned before leaning against the wall.

I turned back to the stove and worked on breakfast when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked down a little to see that it was Mingus. I wrapped one arm around him and squeezed him gently. I knew that he didn't want to go even though he had too.

I bent down and kissed his forehead. "What's up, bud?" I asked him. He leaned his head against my shoulder. I couldn't believe how tall he was getting for a 14 year old. He was going to be 15 in two months and I hated that we were missing his birthday because of filming.

Mingus shook his head before releasing me. "Can I get Brynlee?" he asked me. I gave him a small smile. "Of course you can, but try not to wake your father. He needs some rest," I said. Mingus nodded and headed out of the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with Brynlee in his arms.

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