Chapter 35

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Can we have another serious moment for a second? Please understand where I am coming from when I say this. I love that you all love For the Love of Dixon, I really do. I am also sad to see it go as I love writing it just as much as you guys love reading it. But all the hate messages about me ending it are getting ridiculous. I understand that you guys love it as do I. This was my first Daryl fanfic that I have ever written let alone the first fanfic I have ever written on wattpad. It will always have a special in my heart. All the reads, comments, and votes, I never expected the story to be that big and land at number one but you guys have to understand where I'm coming from as a writer. I know what's best for my story. Let me give you an example. A normal sized novel is 50,000 words. LOTE is 35 chapters in and already has 82,000 words. FTLOD has 30 more chapters so I can only imagine how many words that is. I've gotten several messages saying things like: "You need to make it more than 60 chapters." "You need to write a sequel." "You need to continue this because season 4 is coming out" (My story doesn't even follow the TWD story line!) I was supposed to end this story back in chapter 47 but I didn't because I got another idea and decided to continue it out just a little bit more. I love that you guys love this story and are sad to see it go but I'm getting sick of waking up every day to at least three messages telling me what I "need" to do. I refuse to drag this story out anymore. I am quite happy with the way this story has gone and how it will end. I don't want to drag it out anymore because it will just start becoming bad. I don't want to be that person that said "My story was really good but then this happened." I am the writer and I know what's best for my story and that is ending my story at 60 chapters. This isn't my last story on here, in fact I have two going right now, one of which is another Daryl Dixon fanfic. It may not be set during the apocalypse but a lot of people seem to be enjoying it! To everyone that has supported me through all of this I thank you and I hope you all will continue to follow me through all my writing on here and possible other sites. I'll leave it at this: "Every story has an ending, but every ending has a new beginning."

I love every single one of you and I truly hope that you do follow me through all my writings!

Now onto LOTE! Here's the next chapter, Nords! Xx


Things seemed to be going smoothly. It had been about two weeks since I moved in to Norman's. We had set up quite a routine. I will admit that it was better than living by myself but I was still practically by myself now. With Mingus back in school after Christmas break and Norman doing more conventions I sat in the apartment most of the time.

I still worked at Jordan's bar, but seeing as it didn't open to the evening it was sometimes hard to balance with Mingus. I never worked the weekends which helped a little but through the week sucked because I barely got to see Norman in general but when he was coming home I was leaving for the bar and Norman would spend time with Mingus.

I sighed as I grabbed my laptop. I was skyping with Stacey here soon. I hadn't told her that I had officially moved in with Norman. Every time she heard Mingus or Norman in the background she just assumed that I was hanging out with them. I clicked the accept button as the Skype request popped up.

"Stacey!" I said once I saw her face. It had been quite a while since I've gotten to speak to her without anybody else around. "What's got you all smiley?" she asked. I could see my face in the in the little frame at the top and I quickly wiped the smile off my face.

I didn't want to tell her just yet or I would never get her to calm down and I really wanted to catch up with her. "Nothing, just happy to be getting to talk to you with nobody around," I said. Stacey cocked an eyebrow at me as if she didn't believe me.

Living On The Edge (A Norman Reedus Love Story Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now