Chapter 17

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94 followers!!! Ahhh! So close to 100!!! I'm so excited! When you search "Norman Reedus" my story is number 1!!!!! You guys are so freaking awesome!!!!!! Over 4,000 reads! Over 200 votes! And over 100 comments! I love y'all!!!

I'm gonna try to update twice this week. The keyword TRY so if I don't get to it don't hunt me down! I'm going out of town to work this weekend!

And thank you for 9 comments on the last chapter! Let's see if we can get more this time!!

So let's play a little game. I did this before but I want to do it again. I want to ask you guys a question on top of the chapter question and then you guys can ask me anything in return and I'll answer them in the next chapter! It worked well last time so let's try it again! Question: What's been your favorite part(s) of this story so far?

Reedus kisses for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


"I. Am. So. Full," Mingus groaned while flopping on the couch beside me. I chuckled a little as Norman flopped on the other side. Both had hands placed over their stomachs like they were going to explode. "I think I need a nap," Norman said. I rolled my eyes.

"You just woke up from a nap not even three hours ago," I said. Norman chuckled and nudged me lightly. "I think you're trying to make us fat," he said. I rolled my eyes again. "Well, you both are really skinny," I said while poking both of them in the sides.

Mingus flinched away and I smirked a little. He was ticklish also, good to know. I looked up at the clock to see that it was a little past eight. I sighed and leaned into Norman a little. It was quiet between the three of us. Eye jumped up in my lap and curled up while softly purring.

Norman shifted a little so he could look at Mingus and I. "How about a movie?" he asked. We both nodded and Norman pushed me lightly towards Mingus. I jokingly flopped on him and he groaned while shoving me off. I chuckled and sat up waiting on Norman to pop in a movie.

He finally sat back down and wrapped an arm around me pulling me into him. I sighed and snuggled into his side. "So what movie did you pick out?" I asked. Norman looked down at me with a mischievous grin and I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"It's a scary movie. Another one that was sent to me," I groaned and buried my head in his chest. "You know I hate scary movies," I mumbled into his chest. He rubbed my arm a little before chuckling. "That's exactly the point," he said and I groaned again.

"Do you want me to have nightmares?" I asked him. He chuckled again and hit play on the remote. The screen went black and the movie started. I sighed and sunk into Norman's side more. Obviously I was not going to be winning this and I was going to have to watch it.


The movie wasn't that bad. I actually found myself laughing at how dumb the movie. We were all sitting there watching the credits roll when Norman flipped on the lamp on the table beside him. He stretched and yawned a little. I knew all the food he ate made him tired.

I looked over to see Mingus curled into the side of the couch asleep. I smiled a little as I pushed some of his hair out of his face. Norman turned around after shutting off the TV. He turned around and noticed Mingus and sighed while running a hand through his hair.

"I am not carrying him to bed," Norman said. I chuckled and grabbed a throw pillow before chucking it at Mingus. He sat straight up and looked around with tired eyes. He glared over at me before sticking his tongue out. I chuckled as Mingus threw the pillow back at me.

"Come on, Boom time for bed," Mingus stood up and I sunk back into the cushions of the couch. I watched Norman wrap his arm around Mingus as they walked towards the hallway to go to his bedroom. Mingus stopped and turned around to look at me.

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