How you met

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Tony- You used to work for him as an assistant.

Steve- You met him while going for a run in the park one morning.

Bruce- You met when the avengers were assembled.

Thor- You were in New Mexico when he came to Earth for the first time and met him at the diner.

Natasha- You and her met when she saved you from your kidnappers.

Clint- You were in the training room where you were practicing archery and he came in to do the same.

Loki- How you first met wasn't the best because he kidnapped you when he attacked Manhattan.

Bucky- You met him accidentally. You bumped into him in the park and quite literally too.

Pietro- You weren't paying attention where you were going and you crossed the street the same time as a truck was heading your way and with his speed, sped by and put you out of harms way. So he saved you.

Wanda- You two met at a cafe in New York

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