Bad habits

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Yours: Drumming your fingers; it drives him insane and you do it constantly when you have nothing to do so he would make you help him with whatever he is doing so you'd stop.

His: Making his snarky little comments at bad times; you find it pretty funny but the other avengers don't appreciate it so you would tell him to kindly shut the before he says anything.


Yours: Bouncing your foot when your sitting; he won't say anything about it but when you do it he'd put his hand on your thigh which makes you stop.

His: Playing with his hands; he tends to do that  a lot when he's nervous so you would hold his hands.


Yours: Biting your nails; nasty habit I know but anyways he hates it when you do it so he'd hold your hand or hands to make you stop but if that doesn't work he gives you gum which really helps.

His: He doesn't really have any that your aware of.


Yours: Moving; whenever your standing you can't stay still he finds it kinda cute but he would pick you up randomly when you do it or hug you.

His: Being loud; when this happens you have to remind him about the ways of Earth and tell him to be quiet. You would kiss him afterwards.


Yours: Biting your lip, like biting on your skin on your lips and peeling/tearing it off leaving it red and irritated; she would always scold you for it.

Hers: Nail biting; you would swat her hand if she does it and you would hold her hand to get her to stop.


Yours: getting hurt; you can be a very clumsy person from time to time so your gonna get hurt one of these many times and unfortunately Clint can't do anything to stop it but catch you if you were falling.

His: Being paranoid; with being an assassin/agent he's seen things you haven't and he just gets paranoid that someone is breaking into the house etc and you would cuddle with him to calm him down


Yours: Playing video games; Loki thinks it's bad habit so he would hide your games and gaming consoles. Bad idea because he had to suffer your wrath once you got home and you couldn't find them anywhere.

His: Trying to rule the World; you would always yell at him for it and he doesn't really listen to you but when you say you will leave him he stops.


Yours: Biting the inside of your mouth near your mouth; he knows when you do it by the way you move your mouth and to stop you he either kisses you or tell you to stop.

His: Making himself believe he is a monster; you would scold him for it then you would hug, kiss and cuddle in bed with you assuring him he's not a monster.


Yours- Watching Netflix; he finds it a problem but you don't so he'll disconnect the wifi for a few hours.

His: Leaving his clothes everywhere; he's not the cleanest when it comes to clothes and you'd find his clothe about everywhere. So you threatened to burn his clothes if he doesn't clean up after himself and it became very effective because he knows you'll do it.


Yours: leaving your shoes in random places; yea it irritates Wanda sometimes when she trips over it.

Hers: Tumblr; you pull a Pietro and shut off the wifi

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