Tony One- Shot [19]

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You pulled out a bag from the closet before slamming it down on the bed. You then proceeded to stuff the bag with your clothes as hot tears slid down your face.

'Damn him.' You thought.

"Y/N" You hear your now ex boyfriend yell as he ran into the room. "Please...don't do this." He begged you.

You zipped up the bed and threw it on your shoulder brushing past him.

"Honey please I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Tony exclaimed blocking the door from you.

"Move." You snapped.

"Not until we talk." He said stubbornly.

"What is there to talk about Tony? You decided to make out with Pepper that's that." You said shoving past him and out the door.

You ignored his protests and got into your car and sped off.


A few weeks later you got a phone call from your good friend Natasha.

"H-He's what?" You asked Natasha in disbelief as tears clouded your vision.

"He's MIA. We've searched for him for 3 days and we got nothing....I'm sorry." She told you as a small sob escaped your lips.

"And Y/N?" She said.

"Yea?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"You should forgive him...that's what he would've wanted if it was his last wish." She told you. You pulled the phone away and ended the call. You toss your phone on the couch before you began to cry.

You balled your eyes out and even screamed in a pillow until there was a knock on the door. You inhaled sharply.

You sat there frozen for a moment. Another knock got you moving towards the door. You wiped away the tears as best as you can but you knew whoever was behind the door would know you were crying because of your red puffy eyes.

You cracked the door open and what you saw caused you to stumble back. The person behind the door pushed the door wider.

"Tony?" You asked incredulously.

"Hey." He whispered. You ran forward and pulled him into a bone-crunching hug.

"Nat said you were missing. I-I don't understand." You stuttered.

"I'm sorry. I faked my disappearance." He stated.

"Why-" He cut you off.

"I didn't want anything in the way so I can fix this." He told you.

{I'll leave the rest to you guys to come up with your reaction to this}


PS I got lazy sorryyyy

And I was also rushing so I'm sorry


Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora