First Kiss

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Tony- You and Tony were hungry so you decided to bake you guys some cookies and Tony wanted to help surprisingly. Every was fine until flour was thrown at you by the one and only Tony Stark. You glared at him as he smirked. You grabbed an egg and threw it at him but he dodged it so you threw another and it hit him on the chest.

"Your going to regret that!" He said grabbing the bag of flour. You squeal as you ran away from him. You ran through the Stark Tower until you found yourself cornered. You turn and saw Tony with a smirk plastered on his face. You shook your head.

"No don't please Tony!" You say pleadingly with a small smile on your face. He Coke over and dumps the flour on you. You gasp.

"Well don't you look hot." He said. You were going to say something back but he smashed his lips onto yours. You stayed still for a second before you kiss him back. After you pulled away you jumped onto him in a big hug to get the flour on him too.

Steve- The both of you were at the park going for a walk and enjoying the view of the scenery.
You both got tired after awhile and sat down on the park bench.

"Y/N?" He says nervously. You turn your head and was about to ask him what wrong but found you were happily interrupted when his lips softly met yours.

You placed your hands on his cheeks deepening it.

Bruce- Bruce was really nervous about kissing you. He was worried that something bad might happen if he did and the 'other guy' might come out. But after thinking about it for some time he got the courage to do it.

You were sitting in his spiny chair  doodling in your notebook because you were bored. When he came up behind you.

"Can you help me with something?" Bruce asked. You nodded setting your notebook down and stood up. When you face him he lent in and quickly kissed you on the lips. When he pulled away you just stood there surprised.

"Um sorry." He mumbled embarrassed. You smiled lightly before wrapping your arms around his neck and kissed him.

Thor- Thor and you were up against Tony and Pepper in bowling on a double date and you were kicking there asses!

"Strike!" You said jumping up in the air clapping. Thor laughed picking you up and spun you. He set you down and kissed you.

Natasha- You were freaking out because you couldn't find your car keys and you were late for wherever you were going.

"Babe calm down!" Natasha said walking in the room.

"I can't! I'm late and I'm-" You were caught off by Natasha kissing you.

"They're right here." She said handing the keys to you before walking out of the room.

Clint- "Bring your elbow out like this." He said lifting your elbow up slightly you nodded. You turned your head and looked at him. He smirked slightly. You smiled and slowly leaned in pressing your lips to his.

You let go of the arrow and it got bullseye.

"Nice shot." He commented as he pulled away slightly. You smirked.

"I had a good teacher." I said. He took the bow and turned you around and kissed you again.

Loki- You stole one of his books and ran off with it. You ran down the hallway of your house and he appeared in front of you. You jumped. He wrapped his arms around you picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.

"Loki put me down!" You say giggling. He set you down and grabbed his book.

"Mine." He said throwing the book on the couch. He grabbed you by the hips and pulled you against his chest. "And..." He said kissing you. "Mine."

Bucky- You were watching a movie and a scary one at that.

Bucky wasn't even fazed by anything. A scary part popped up and you jumped and buried your head into Bucky's chest. He softly chuckled. You lifted your head up and you hug him because your scared. He kissed the top of your head.

" You missed." You whispered. He slowly leaned down and pressed his lips against yours.

Pietro- You both ate a shit load of candy and he was hyper dashing around the house and he just broke something.

"Pietro!" You yelled angrily. He dashed by and pecked you on the lips.

"Sorry!" He said.

Wanda- You were sitting in silence next to each other doing nothing and no it wasn't an awkward silence.

An image in your head appeared of her on top of you and you guys were making out. You blushed then smirked. When you turned to say something she started to kiss you and you didn't deny it when she was on top of you.

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora